mercredi 6 septembre 2023


 Hit and Run

I Want Your Love


She closes her eyes.
Am I there´ 

Can´t you understand what i feel with the things you write.
Training for a while. 80% achieved.
Filming and posting free of charge. I´ve seen nothing yet. Will you show me the road map. I´ll appreciate to see your training exercises and skills.
Rotation. Please, park Odyssey, catch a plane and come see me.
Place and lifestyle. Time, yes we need time. That´s my everything. Time and you. An uphill battle. 
Your selfish goals. Where am Í´ Look at me. Do you see me smiling, being kind and gracious with you.

It´s an intense angryness.

Truth be told, you really *ing love to write, say and to do this things to me, don´t you´

Look at me.

I´ll appreciate if you look at me.



You´re going to run half of the marathon Or less. No more than it. In the wilderness cabins.

What and who do you really love´

You love to shoot hearts. Even your own.

The eyes. Look at me in the eyes.

Cabin cabins 

You have tape the act.



After, after words...  reaction. Mistake´ Regrets´ Lament´ Well it was good but who am I´


Were you well. No you were not.

And then you made fun with mk. Telling him some slices of the story. Smiling. Making him jealous. Telling him what you did there. ...

 What´s wrong with the places that you have been´
Taking him.

What was that´ 

  And here we´re. Another place but the same poop.  


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