lundi 11 septembre 2023

Life as We Know It


Looking for someone? For a place to live?

Are you looking at someone in particular´
Wrong play.
I´m doing Grammatical errors and missteps here with you.

You there. It´s very wrong for me. Don't you understand´
I can´t understand what I can´t understand and can´t accept.
All alone and doing these things to me.

You´re playing. Getting in, talking, erk.

Please don´t stop, make me happy. Let me deliver the laundry.


Please in the street corner. That´s where we should play, do and keep our things. Not on the social media. Why we keep doing this´ 
Anyway, please don´t stop. Smile. I´m very very mad, sad and angry WITH YOU and WITH ME. With what is happening in the wilderness and on the social media. However and in somehow we like love it and we both mirror with each other. We resemble with each other a little. We play with similar things. Make me happy. Make me say, write an do the right and the good things somewhere else with you. We´re too far from each other. Make me love you.

Don´t play with me. Tell me the truth. Is this fun for you´ Do you really like it´ Be truthful.
Why I do this things´ Why I don´t stop´ Occupation, fun, entertainment, love´ You´
In reality I kinda like it. Me, you. Saying, writing and doing things to each other. To and with each other. You to the whole world and me to you. It´s something. Something to me. You mean something to me and much more I would like you mean to me. Probabilities´ We know. There are. Very remote. Not impossible. Doing something. Better than nothing. Do I have anything to loose´ Only you. Everything else, my present living, my life. Do you have anything to loose´ You can do and have whatever and whoever you may want. Out of troubles and personal issues. Lonely, without pair, without home. Cold and hungry. Weak. Venerable. Desperate and angry. Insecure, uncertain. Out of mind, uncontrolled, crazy. Disproportionate, disorganized, lost in time and space. Heart broken, divided, no landing, no home, no pair. Do you have all these troubles and some more´ Those there´ In my mind I think you have these ones. Me. I´m a problem without solution. Snuggling, kissing, slapping and loving you. You know I like love you and you are beautiful. There are solutions for some of the problems. I leave, I stay, I catch the plane. Now I have somebody. Better than have no 1. You´re thinking with your mouth. You were alone and needy.

When women open their legs for sure many will be there with all the good intentions.
And if women get drunk or druged in a bar or in a restaurante and there are many bars, restaurants and families, its a full intention. Doesn't seem that this happen and it's happening. It's not visible and clear.

About the social. There are people that will be there for many good things. The clowns, they will be there to poop on your Path and above of you. Being funny and with all the good intentions and actions that you don't know from where it come and why. It was made and came out specialy and just for you. Was waiting there for you. As soon as you got venurable, you were, drunk, as soon would get you.
Now is there, doing Sam's job and his.
Well you're there. Why' Lets read the cover of the magazine. What you've been saying. What you've been doing. 
What is he doing there' For sure with Sam's interests and job.
She knows that Sam is there, the paparazzis and the mysterious ones. You were guided there as you were guided to the many other places that you have been. Communities, wilderness, cabins, airbnbs...
It doesn't mean that communities, people, families and the social aren't good. It's good to have friendships, interactions and relations with people. To talk, to play...

Right or wrong´ Time will tell. You´re having fun. Shit.
I want you to have fun. With the 1 me Dot.

If the thing between us were different, above abstract and fantasy. If it were serious´ Real´ True´ Touchable´ Some things would be different. Less the slaps. I really wish to meet with you somewhere 1 of these days, today, tomorrow to be with you, to slap you, you deserve it and much more. Yes to slap you and to love you. 

You don´t know why´ Why you do it´
Why are you playing´
Do you have an answer?
I think you have.

There´s a long distance between us.
This must stop. It´s wrong. Is it´

I have a plane to catch. Destination, Susan Road. It´s love.

Thanks for the orange.

Love it

Kisses wishes


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