mercredi 21 juin 2023

Mago de Oz


Peso de la Alma - The Weight of the Soul

Among rose petals I searched for his love, and found Violence 

in what was once a flower 

I gave Him my body 

He bought my youth In exchange for splitting my soul in two I stopped hoping That the perfume of his voice That he did not exude hatred and alcohol That his blows did not hurt Tell me why I haven't had Someone to take care of me And now that my life goes to sleep I feel like I barely lived Come, take my hand and sleep I am the voice of life and death A hello, and a goodbye You will dream caresses On a bed of calm and light And I will perfume your soul With drops of peace and love Stop crying Hold me, it's all over Today tenderness will comb your skin On the rainbow there is Someone waiting for you Let them pamper your mouth The lips of dawn Let the whisper of pain It will go, and let it burn in oblivion Yesterday May pleasure Sleep in your chest and with kisses healthy of your being May bitterness today fly Another flower awaits you, follow me Say goodbye now Time is running out Come to the light Don't be afraid, he won't come back Eternal anguish will be His condemnation Let them pamper your mouth The lips of dawn And let the whisper of pain It will go away, and let it burn in oblivion Yesterday Tell me why I haven't had Someone to take care of me And now that my life goes to sleep I feel like I barely lived Let them pamper your mouth The lips of dawn Let the whisper of pain It will go, and let it burn in oblivion Yesterday Let pleasure Sleep in your chest and with Kisses healthy of your being Let bitterness fly Another flower awaits you, follow me Another flower awaits you, follow me 
Another flower awaits you, Follow me

Fiesta Pagana - Pagan Feast

Yeah! When you wake up one day and feel that you can no more That in the name of the one above your life will handle If you feel that fear sticks to your skin For being a commoner and justice to want If you give up, brother, for you you will never think When they come to ask you for tithes at the end of the month And the Holy Inquisition invites you to confess Therefore, friend, you raise your voice Say that you never asked for an opinion If it is true that there is a God, let him work from dawn to dusk Stand up, raise your fist and come To the pagan feast, at the stake there is to drink Of the same condition is not the people nor a lord They have the clergy and we have our sweat If there is no bread for yours and you see the abbot very fat If his virgin wears gold, strip her! How are they going to silence the goldfinch or the canary? If there is no jail or grave for libertarian singing Stand up, raise your fist and come To the pagan feast, at the stake there is to drink Of the same condition is not the people nor a lord They have the clergy and we have our sweat Stand up, raise your fist and come To the pagan feast, at the stake there is to drink Of the same condition is not the people nor a lord They have the clergy and we have our sweat Stand up, raise your fist and come To the pagan feast, at the stake there is to drink Of the same condition is not the people nor a lord They have the clergy and we have our sweat ¡Cabrones! Ah- ah,

Desde mi Cielo - From My Heaven

Now that everything is silent And may calm kiss my heart I want to say goodbye Because the time has come For you to walk the road without me There is so much to live for Don't cry, heaven And fall in love again I would like to see you smile again But, my life, I can never forget you And only the wind knows what you have suffered for loving me There are so many things I never told you in life That you are everything I love And now that I am no longer with you I will take care of you from here I know that guilt haunts you And whispers in your ear: "I could do more"There is nothing to reproach There are no demons at the bottom of the glass anymore And I only drink all the kisses I didn't give you. But, my life, I can never forget you And only the wind knows what you have suffered for loving me There are so many things I never told you in life That you are everything I love And now that I am no longer with you I live every time you talk about me And I die again if you cry I have finally learned to enjoy And I am happy Don't cry, heaven And fall in love again Never forget me I have to leave But, my life, I can never forget you And only the wind knows what you have suffered for loving me There are so many things I never told you in life That you are everything I love And now that I am no longer with you From my heaven I will shelter you in the night And I will cradle you in dreams And I will drive away all fears From my heaven I will wait for you writing I am not alone, because freedom and hope take care of me I will never forget you

La Cantata del Díablo (Missit Me Dominus)

Today life rains sorrows Drops of despair My tears , are rivers, Bleeding my heart The memory of a woman They are the kisses she received On your lips I will live And in your oblivion I will die Today my tears want to commit suicide Curled up, die on your skin They were born dry, they are thirsty My cry today wants to die Like a promised kiss To your soul is my voice I am the dead and the lived I am the calm, I am your God Close your eyes and I will take you Where dreams become song Life hurts, I will heal you Sleep and dream, cradle you my voice Hoy mis lágrimas se quieren suicidar Acurrucadas, morir en tu piel Han nacido secas, tienen sed Mi llanto hoy se quiere morir Si tus lágrimas se quieren suicidar Guárdalas pues vas a llorar Llorarás océanos de paz Duérmete ya no hay dolor En nombre de la libertad La fe en uno mismo y la paz Quemad las banderas, no a la religión Y que tu Dios sea canción Compuesta por el corazón Y que tu país sea donde te lleven los pies Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus Missit me Dominus Missit me Diabulus Missit me Satanas Ahora al fin soy aire Y mi maldición caerá El fin de ésta iglesia muy pronto vendrá Mi voz despertará Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio Hoy la libertad ha cerrado por defunción Hoy la libertad, se ha muerto de pena y melancolía Hoy no hay libertad, hoy Dios no está aquá ni vendrá. Hoy la libertad se ha quedado dormida y en silencio Hoy no hay libertad, hoy Dios no está aquÍ Hoy Dios no está aquí, hoy Dios no está aquí ni vendrá Our Father, of all of us Of the poor, of the homeless Of the marginalized and the unprotected Of the disinherited and of the owners of misery Of those who follow you and of those who no longer believe in you Come down from heaven, for here is hell Come down from your throne because there are wars here, Hunger, injustice You don't have to be one and triune With only one who wants to help, it would be enough for usWhat is your kingdom? The Vatican? Banking? High politics? Our kingdom is Nigeria Ethiopia, Colombia, Hiroshima Our daily bread is rape Gender violence, pedophilia Dictatorships, climate change In temptation I fall daily There is no tomorrow in which I am not tempted to create a humble, just God. A god who is on Earth In the valleys, The rivers A God who lives in the rain Who travels through the wind and caresses our soul A God of the sad, of homosexuals A more human God A God who does not punish Let him teach A God who does not threaten , who protects That if I fall, he will lift me That if I get lost, he will extend his hand to me A God who if I err, Do not blame me And if I doubt, understand me For that is why he endowed me with intelligence To doubt every Our Father, all of us Why have you forgotten us? Our Father, blind, deaf and unemployed Why have you forsaken us?

In Nomine Diabulus and Belial, Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth and Yahweh Night falls, eternal fog Hide the light Cold barren, break, freeze Tears of the heart Dream the life that is seen dying In pieces of fear it is hard to live Dreams of death, wake up Holy condemnation, auto of faith In the Name of the One Religion We pronounce sentence and condemn you To pious purification From fire and pain In God's hands you must put Your soul, your estate, and all your sins Accept Christ and entrust yourself Soon you will give an account to him Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus Diabulus in Gaia, missit me Dominus I would like to be the wind to be able to flee from me Let silence be silent, terror silence, I would like not to die I will invent another life My dreams I will decorate and cover them with your kisses thought Burn my soul too Do you deny Satan, his works and his vices? Necromancy, magic and tarot? I am the virtue of the church and its principles If you do not repent your soul will be condemned. Today freedom has fallen asleep and in silence Today freedom has closed by death Today freedom, has died of sorrow and melancholy Today there is no freedom, today God is not here and will not come ... I would like to be forgotten, never to remember, I would like to be a breeze, and thus caress, life once again How cold is the promise of another life with God If he was not in it, nor did he know of him, the bonfire is his coffin. Before you die, and let the fire do its job , do you accept Christ, his church, and his power? Do you renounce the God called nature? Gaia is only the mother of sin and terror Today freedom has fallen asleep and in silence Today freedom has closed by death Today freedom, has died of sorrow and melancholy Today there is no freedom, today God is not here, nor will he come... In Nomine Diabulus and Belial, Satan, Lucifer, Astaroth, and Yahweh Theme 

Loquillo Y Los Trogloditas - Rock & Roll Pornstar 

You've been lucky to get to know me I think nobody likes to be born to lose You'll open a magazine and you'll find me I must be a bit of a clown but that makes me happy Uuh, uuh, uuh bay I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar Uuh, uuh, uuh baby I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar I will invest a lot of money tells me my producer In order to make me a rock and roll star He tells me: I will make you rich you only have to sing well If you don't get shot 10 times at the door of a hotel Uuh, uuh, uuh babe I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar Uuh, uuh, uuh bay I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar You'll see me on the posters to make you go behind You think I'm someone with a special touch I'm a street kid who lives his song I also get drunk and cry when I have depression Uuh, uuh, uuh bay I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar Uuh, uuh, uuh babe I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar In the rain I will put my rock and roll heart And when I fill my body with amphetae and alcohol I will want someone by my side to pick me up when I fall So baby I will be lucky to get to know you Uuh, uuh, uuh babe I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar Uuh, uuh, uuh babe I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar 

(I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar )
 (I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar) 
(I'm going to be a Rock and Roll Pornstar)


Memoirs of Angry Youth

America Aurora G Adidas


Artur Jorge
F C Porto

Simon NGR - HR FO - Peter

We who are then Those who have nowhere Those who always talk alone We who are not part of it We decide to stay on the sidelines Living on the wire Memory of angry young people Live north of the future And south of hope Captives, in conquered kingdoms Where silences dwell Where there is nothing left Memória of angry young people Memória of angry young people Memória of angry young people We who are always alert We mark the difference Without bowing to you We live, we walk without allies We love as we dream We dream always armed Memory of angry young people Live north of the future And south of hope Captives, in conquered kingdoms Where silences dwell Where there is nothing left Angry Youth Memory Angry Youth Memória Angry Youth Memória Angry Youth Memória Angry Youth Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory


Nosotros que somos los de entonces Los que no tenemos dónde Los que siempre hablamos solos Nosotros que no formamos parte Decidimos seguir al margen Viviendo en el alambre Memória de jóvenes airados Vive al norte del futuro Y al sur de la esperanza Cautivos, en reinos conquistados Dónde habitan los silencios Dónde ya no queda nada Memória de jóvenes airados Memória de jóvenes airados Memória de jóvenes airados Memória Nosotros que estamos siempre alerta Marcamos la diferéncia Sin haceros reverencias Vivimos, caminamos sin aliados Amamos como soñamos Soñamos siempre armados Memória de jóvenes airados Vive al norte del futuro Y al sur de la esperanza Cautivos, en reinos conquistados Dónde habitan los silencios Dónde ya no queda nada Memória de jóvenes airados Memória de jóvenes airados Memória de jóvenes airados Memória de jóvenes airados Memória Memória Memória Memória Memória


                                            HR 5 FO4 P...

Casino do Estoril

Galiza      Pirenéus      

Ayamonte - Sevilha Malaga Granada Verano Azul
Henrique Ricardo Aurora Gonçalo



Pepe Guardiola Casilhas Carlos Pujol


Rosa Caminha Minho Portugal... Lisboa


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