mercredi 1 février 2023

Uni days

Dem all her friends are hidden there and so close

look a suspish trail

shit she jumped into the fire hole

i´ll be moving again before yesterday and after tomorrow



I remember one day when she lost her mind and got lost for a while and went grumpy cranky. A day not so different from other days. I took her to the uni coffee shop as i used to take her before our afternoons of love. Well, she likes two sugar cubes in her coffee and that day the coffee shop maid only had one. She went cranky grumpy. Mad, angry, hungry for an empty glass of Irish Coffee. They only had milk cream. Sorry no Irish and no ice cubes the maid said. Since then she never went to the uni coffee shop, she always come to my room and never wants to leave. She doesn`t want anyone and anything else. 

Once in a while she wants some. Sometimes desperately. She wants a slice of cake with whipped cream, milky stars and strawberries.


She is delicious

Just like me

I´m grateful for that day. She is my sugar. My love. My cake.

In the other day i took her from London to Brussels passing in Paris for a couple of hours. We went to a friend´s party at the Hard Rock Café. Then we took some steps of dance at Ministry of Sound on our way back to North America.

She is interesting, inteligente. One of the reasons why i like love her so much. She is beautiful. She teases me. She is an enlightenment, an inspiration to me. Her papers, her words, she is an interesting book to be read. She is the book that i´m reading at the present.

Some missing pages, some missing words and some missing pieces of history here and there... Maybe hided for no personal reasons and kept in secret under seven keys. Kept inside her mind and in her heart feelings and heart breaks.

One day she may write on her book and on mine the missing words and the missing stories that she have been keeping to herself. If she has the will and if she would like to share it with me and to do it. I´ll be grateful with her. My book with blank pages it´s open and awaiting for her words to be written.

I´ve been reading the things that she have been writing and doing. I`ve been trying to understand her and myself. Her thoughts, her writings and all those exercising and beautiful moments that she have been posting on her social media. The places she have been travelling. The landscapes, the trails, the rivers and the mountains. 

Will she believe if i tell her that i never read book. Only a few words from that book she has on her living room, from the other one on her bedside table and presently i´m reading some of the words she have been writing and the things she have been doing on her social media book.

Her soul, her sweetness, her skin, her bones...

No, the media and her soul are not my job.

They take photos and they make videos and films. Girl, they are there to do their job. To do their show with you and with any other girls they can trap. Yes, they hunt in the unis and in schools for pretty little girls. She may have been caught somewhere and she may be engaged because of it. And now she have been blackmailed because of this three lethal things.


So, now she may be trying to release herself from it by admiting and telling it in a smooth and funny way and turning it public. 

A beautiful and graduated girl is an attraction. Is an apple to be bit and to be eat piece by piece, little by little and with care. A beautiful girl take the attention of many in any uni, in any school or work place. A beautiful girl is always a meat to be hunted and to be downcast.

Then she went to work in London´s societies workshops... she went to live in a house near the river. In the beginning things were new but strange for her at the same time. In Mike & Mechanics Radio she told that she went in a party time and that friends and things took her and she went a little bit out of the tracks. Then she felt what she really likes to be and to have until this present days. She likes space, she like freedom, she likes to be independent, she likes to live on her own, she likes some space, she likes to be on her own space and to live on her own way. 

Then Brussels, Euronews, Deutsch welle...

Then came the media. Why and how in the hell a Polish young girl that lived in London went to the Middle East and specially to Pakistan´

Sam doesn´t have a job. His job to do in the Middle East... and the television stations are not one of Sam´s worldwide bases and workstations to do his job. 

She blast all the audiences at the Pakistan Television. She was young. She´s intelligent, beautiful and sweet.

Who was behind her and still is´ No one knows who controls the media, the backstages, the corridors, the communications and the information in Pakistan. and and and in many other countries in the world.

Many of her social media followers are from Pakistan. Of all ages. 65% You guys, Euronews and Deutsch Welle television channels viewers are also some of her followers.

My studies graduation. She will smile and maybe even laugh if i tell her. 

No i did not went to the university. 

Awaking in the early morning and going to school was an absolut sacrifice to me. I used to sleep with the enemy. The school studies were also so boring to me. I had no patience for studies. Beside the studies i spend good times with good friends at school and in the class rooms. My friends and those girls were what kept me there.

French was one my favourite disciplines. I score 4 in 5. 3 in English. Art & Design and sport were also my favorites. History too. Economy, no, i did not went to the uni employment center. I don´t want to work. And money, who needs money when there´s no hungry in the world and there are no bills to pay and things to do and live. I always had interest to learn and i like it. I´m still learning. We´re always learning. In the last years i´ve been learning a lot and improving myself personally in many things and in many ways. My being, my pages, my writing and as well the foreign languages. Mostly because i´ve been blogging. Because i did some travelling and also because since the cable television and the internet arrived in Portugal i`ve been able to learn much more, to see much more wider and further, to like love the world. To like love less the world that i´ve been living in and that i want to leave. It´s past. However i still live a little bit in the past. I want much more than the present life that i´ve been living. I know that i´ve many things to do, that i´d like to do. But not here anymore.

Music is one of the greatest ways to learn. To learn languages and other things. To learn things about people, about cultures, art, religion, romance, love, life, fantasy, imagination, etc. Music was and is the greatest tool for me to learn languages. Just as she have been at the present moment for my learning. For my personal being learning and improvement.

I´ve blogging, writing, painting, making videos, taking pictures, etc. I´ve been learning and improving a lot. I think and i feel it. It´s a great feeling. A great accomplishment and achievement to my personal life and to my being.

I know that i make some grammatical errors and that i´ve been making some grammatical missteps. However i think it´s understandable what i write, what i tell and what i do.

I known that i can do better things. I´ve been doing it with the few tools that i have.

I know that i can be better. I know that i can do better things. But for it, i must do some things. I must put aside some issues and also i must not be occupied with shity things and sitty clowns. I must put all the clowns under the toilet sit, leave all behind and leave this place. I must be more focus in the things that i like to do and be more focus with the persons that i like most. I must find the way. Which is an easy thing. ´Cause there many ways to do it. By land, sea or by air. ´Cause there are many paths, many streets, many roads and many highways. Many crossroads to chose one path, one way or another, to chose one of the many places that i had and that i have in mind to go. I know what i really really need to have to do it. But i don´t have it. It was and it have been the curse and what have been trapping me here for so long.

Beside the learning, which i think is reasonable. There are much more important things to do.

Find that someone, that place, build the relationship, the house and the family.

Will, skills, capacity, abilities, creativity and imagination don´t lack. Only the main tool.

Of course there will be things that i´ll have to learn. 

How to build the base (The Foundation Of Love), the four walls and the roof of a house. 

To learn things about her. About her being. What she likes loves and what she doesn´t like. What she wants.

To learn how to kiss her ass.

To learn how to cook vegans and the Virgin Mary

To learn how to do gardening.

To learn how to change diapers.

To learn many pretty things like this ones.


Is this what are you talking about´

Or it´s other issue that you´re talking about´

With who are you talking´

I wrote it before´ 

What did you wrote´

Did i wrote something before´


What´s up with the world´

Yes, they did wrote and made their youtube videos before you met him in Baja. Is this what are you talking about´ Are you talking about the two fools episodes´

My questions are. Did you know it´ Did you know they were coming together to Baja´ Were you within it´

Questions and answers must and will have to be done and answered at the 13.

If you have any questions for me and any answers to give to me´

You have a thousand friends and a thousand followers.

I´m nobody in your life. I´m nothing to you.

In fact you must be very very angry with me because some of my messages went a little bit out of the tracks. Because some of the things and some of the comments that i posted on my blog.

Too much to be loved and enough to be hated.

Perhaps´ I don´t know. Tell me.

Aren´t you angry with me´

Answer me.

If you have been following me.

I think so.

I think i received some responses and i have some answers from you.

I´m not so sure. It may be just my imagination or something else´





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