mercredi 25 septembre 2024



I told her

I love you

She's telling me

Ey love / Ey heart

 with a smile on her lips.

She ask me

Are you still in love with me?

No, I would love to be but it's better not touch these words with you.

No one wants to cross anything and anyone.

She walks on a thought and then lean back on the mirror on the wall and smiles. She waits for me, She waits that that I lean on her, touch and Kiss her. I grab her and she moans when I whisper on her hear. I love you, do you love me? She says, yes, yes, I love you. She lifts and cross her leg on my leg. The mirror crashes into pieces, her delights fluids started to flow. She moans...

Ey Lil, my girafe.

Girafe, what's that ring?

The roof, are you feeling being under a roof that's not yours?

Y, colour, looking up, are you thinking of me?

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