jeudi 8 février 2024



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Green House story...





No terrace

What will you name the river´

Niagara Falls

Tara, Sawyer and Crusoé

Please don´t follow me.

And the little secrets, well, we keep it to ourselves.

You´re lonely, homeless, without a daily care, without a boyfriend and love. You need it more than ever. No confidencial friend, me. No boyfriend, that someone, no place and home to live.

And it´s not so stupid, there are things that I kinda like it, that I really like, it´s just that the social media isn´t the right place to do it. We have to be together to do the things we both like to do with and to each other. We have to live it together, somewhere, at your choice.

There are things that I really don´t like to see and know.

1 Sim Si Oui Yes Ya


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