lundi 16 janvier 2023



Yes, you´re running down down down. Not himm.

👽reen shops everywhere.

It´s hard to get out 👽

It´s hard to get out 👽 


👽, Windy and sunny under the lens

I´m here

What did you drink at that bar in Nevada´

What did you do after you drink Sam´s violin´s drink´

Did you run and jump into Odyssey to play with yourself the what da f´ hell game´ Or did you play with someone and you don´t know what you did, because you don´t remember what happen after´

Body and mind disturbances.

Empty Glass

But you like to do it. You like to put firewood in the fire. You like to spread the fire sparks on your social media. It´s a kind of a need. A necessity that you have inside of you. In your subconscience and in your body that´s taking you. That´s possessing you. You need to put it out. And in a certain way it´s kinda of fun for you to do it. You like to do it. It´s in you.

One of the reasons why you do it, it´s because you have the need to share it with someone, with people. That someone you don´t have because you´re fucking alone. Because you don´t have a fucking boyfriend. Someone to handle you when you need to be handle. Someone who likes loves you. Someone you love. Someone that you can be and live with and with whom you can play, talk, share your thoughts, your things, your work... your life.

Because you don´t have true friends around. A girl, a boy, a couple of them travelling with you. Only those that you´ve been meeting since you began your travel adventure. Since you left London, England and went to Pakistan and all the other countries that you´ve been travelling since then.

You really don´t have the friend, or the friends that you really really need to have in your life. The friends you need to have with you dailly. 
Of course you have a lot of friends. Your social media followers.

Other reason it´s because you´re insecure with yourself. You have some personal issues...

You give yourself to someone you met out there, it have been happening, it´s true. 

Pet stores, Pet shops and phone calls.

Don´t tell that´s not true. But you don´t give yourself to that someone you should give. You don´t give place, space and time to that someone. To a boyfriend for it.


You´re insecure with yourself and it´s not easy for you to do it. Because it hits your feelings and your personal life.

Because you have some personal issues... That make you insecure, Somehow weak... Vunerable.

You like to live on your own. To be independent. To live in your own space and free. Bla bla bla.

You like adventures. Bla bla bla.


Tell me, what are your favorite drinks´

You really taste good and you look beautiful.

A Glacier

A Boyfriend A Boyfriend A Boyfriend, is what you need.

I know you want it. But you´re living a fase of challenges in your life. What challenges are there in your mind´ That are taking and possessing you´

I know what and who is taking and possessing you´

The devil is sit on the grass 👽 that you´re walking in.


One drink

Baja California Mexico´´´👎

The first thing you did when you arrive there. After the New Years Eve disappointment. Cry and lamentation.


Baja California 
and the Airbnb that you´re in. Is it the right place to be at this moment of your life´
Did you dig on the walls and on the ceiling and on the lights. On the furniture, in the kitchen and on the toilet. Did you find any treasure there´ Any fly and any spider cams´

Odyssey. How is Odyssey´ With all the pieces´

Yes, you have a lot of friends there.

Airbnb, Cabins, Motel rooms, shops...


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