mardi 25 octobre 2022



Different times.

When you look around, what do you see? 

 Life conditions and all the universal laws, rights and liberties that there wasn´t in other times.

Better life conditions and better health care. Hospitals, maternities and clinics. Nurses, doctors, medicines and advanced Tecnologies, that there wasn´t in other times. 1990

When you look around you, what do you see? 

Children cry when they see the first ray of light.

Children smile when they are on their mother´s lap.

Children grow as time passes.

Children play with toys. Start to learn and discover new things.

Children make friends.

Children go to school.

Children play with friends in the gardens.

They play games with friends. They play sports. They go to the bitches to swim. They go to the concerts to watch their favourite bands. They go to the cinema, to the theatres and to the discos. They travel, they go camping. They go wild.

The adventures begin

 Boys met girls, girls meet boys.

They go to work

Do want to live a two life? Do you want to live with someone? Do you want to live a couple's life? Do you want to marry someone? Do you want to have children? Do you like children? When you see a baby, a child, what do you see? Life? What are your feelings for a baby or for a child? What do you think you could see, feel and live if you had a baby? What can you see and feel in a couple of years if you´re alone looking at a mirror? Would you see and feel like a Phantom? A lonely phantom. Even if your life has been, was good, bad or great. What will you think, see and feel about it? Who will take care of you when you get old? 

You can do whatever you want. You´re intelligent, interesting, kind, sweet, beautiful and you have skills and tools to live a pleasant life. No one is crossing your life. No one is there and trying to cross your lifeline. No one is there and saying what you should do and what you should not do in your life.


Someone, somewhere. Find that one. It doesn´t seem to me... i´m not sure if there´s really someone there. However, i think, i know there were some ones in your life. And there´s someone there on your horizon. (Naturally, ´cause you´re a human being). Find the land, that place. Do what you think. Do what you´re thinking to do. What may be good to do for your future life. 

There will be times to be at land and there will be times for other travel adventures.


Good morning friend

Good morning Eva

Good morning Lady Eva

Good morning Mrs Eva

How would you like me to treat you?

Good morning Lover

Let's do it

We can go nowhere, we can go far.

It´s to you to make a decision. Your wish, will and decision will be accepted, realised and done.

That´s the way it gona be. 

I like love 88 you. It´s true. I would like... to live it.

Don´t put me between a sword and a wall.

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