dimanche 21 avril 2024


Room unfinished artworks

Diamond light

Your lips


When and where will you play on that chair with the roses that I gave to you'

In the few days ahead of me.

Another challenge of yours accomplished.

At km 28 what did you see'
You saw firewood. Which is a good thing, you can build a fire to warm yourself or to cook something hot if you are hungry. Some good in it. Butt it can also burn and blow you up to a point of no return.

What did you see at km 44'
Scientologies will tell. It read minds. It's the job above people. Scientology it's what is important, more than people.  With the giving prizes in the middle to compensate the damages that are already visible and incorporated.

Keep being there, you like it, what is it that they don't do to make their job' You like it, even knowing that it caused and it's causing physical and mental health issues and problems.

The light it's always working. It's all the time sensing and reading your thought and your body movements. Reading your senses, what you touch, listen and see, what you smell and taste. You sense and read what surrounds you, the light senses and read what you sense and read around you. 

 Control and command tower data and processing.

Running in the mind's fields.

It's dangerous.

I wouldn't walk and run with it.
In some circonstancies it may help. In some how it can balance the body and support weight but not so much.
Some places may be slipy, in different ways due to weather conditions and soil. Dry or wet earth and stone that mainly cause slippery. If you fall walking or running will not help and will not be good.

I'm not just writing things, these things exist, are true, clowns do it.


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