samedi 20 avril 2024



I'm looking at you, do you like what you see' 
Between the white walls, the painted boards and the snow that's falling in the dark floor you are the pretty thing that I'm looking and that I want to be with. 
You are the one I want.

To who are you dancing and looking for´

Get the shit done.
Probably I'll never get the shit done. I'm still in the same place where I was yesterday.

I'm tired of you.
You might be.

 If you wanna a bite I'll bite you.

Meet me there tomorrow to beat me if you like' 'Cause I want to be squeezed, kissed, touched, to feel something like love.

Much probably you´re not talking with me, excited with me but with someone else. Anyway, you look furious for some excitement and I, I´m writing lovely things.

Do you love someone or is it just a passing passion, a flame spark that's crossing over your mind because you're alone and in need of being bitten physicaly and mentally' 

You must love to be loved. You must bite to be bitten.
I'll tell you tomorrow what I didn't tell today.
Kisses are given not asked. 

Without question, no. 

I d o n ' t  I i k e  y o u.

Please, leave the key on the door.

Any other question'

Wherever you sleep tonight don't fantasize and dream about me. This is not the time and place for that, but for you to rest. Tomorrow will be another day and then we can meet somewhere on a road, in a street or in a garden and talk about the good things we can do together.

Each on their own path and in separate lives.

Days ahead of me, where you gona hide and what you gonna do after tomorrow´

Cable lines short circuits.

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