dimanche 6 août 2023



The Joy.

New ideas come others go. The mind is always working. Even when people are sleeping. People keep dreaming, creating, doing and building things. Living life. Shuffling, assembling and disassembling the pieces of a puzzle. Until people find the way, the trail, the place and the landscape people would like to have and see from the garden. From the window of the house. That people would like to live in. 

Most of the time people run from standards and straight lines. Labels, etiquetes and bureaucracies. 

The worst mistake it´s doing nothing. Staying there watching time and life pass by.

What am I doing here´

If I had the world in my hands... but it´s broken in pieces.

For sure I wouldn´t be here anymore. Much longer.


Remember the thing you should real love.



You are not a professional carpenter.

You made an amazing restoration in the kitchen. The furniture you build is an invitation for anyone's apetite and for any knife, fork and plate.

Who is hunting what´

Who is hunting who´

Who is the hunter´

The Teddy Bear´

The gardener´

The fisherman´

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