mardi 29 août 2023

Are you singing to me´

Kissing me´

Are you alone´ 

No you are not. 

Are you thinkin straight´

No, you are not. 

Are you lost´

Yes, you are.

You are lost between thoughts and feelings. Doubts, uncertainties, insecurities. Lost, not sure what are you really doin, what do you really want to do and what you are goin to do.

You are there because it hits you. That´s what´s drivin and keepin you there. You like to be hit and to be high. You like to be over the mountain kiss. I like when you kiss me. All this time you have been all alone, By yourself and by no one else.  Since you started your travel adventure you have been getting into traps. Slippin, fallin and doin things unconsciously.  Due, you´ve been travellin alone, needy most of the time, you needed care, a daily hand to hold you when you most needed. You didn´t have that. With time and once in a while you got lost. More recently even more, you were attacked by rain drops. The rain drops is what affected you, physically and psychologically and what´s leadin your thoughts, steps, behaviors and attitudes. 

It´s and it´s goin to be hard to get it out. It´s under your system.


You are halfway. Between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Just by lookin to you it tells me the story. Part of the story. What´s goin on out there at the moment. The other part you tell some buds of the juice and some others that are part of your fantasies and dreams.

Why are you there all alone´ Yes, you are alone. You have been all alone all this time.

Why are you there´

Because you like these things. You live for it, you live from it.

Your instragram followers, social lives, some friends and family have been with you. Appart of it, social media, strangers and hunters.

You are in a suicidal mode. In a self destruction mode. 

Control yourself.

Why are you with strangers and singin to me´

Do you want to talk with me´ To sing to me´ 

You must be "alone". Which is not the case. And because it´s not the *ing case you must stop it. Do not throw wood and mushrooms into the fire while you´re there doin *ing things with dogs. Doin the *ing things that you´re doin, that you like to do to me. I told you not to do it.

I'm seein you there doin things and lookin at me. Singin to me. Teasin me while you´re there doin things. Having fun. Shit. You´re playin with me. What are doin to me´ Do you want me to slap your lovely´ I want to slap your lovely.

What a * are you doin´ To you and to me´

Park Odyssey in Montreal, catch a plane and come see me.

Probabilities Zero.

I know.

You don´t give a shit.

Butt why are you playing with me´

Do you like me a little bit´ A little vagina, I like you.

Eva look at me. I´m here with you.

I'm seein you layin there doing things and lookin at me.



Is there anything of me´


I´ve thinking about you all the time. Shit.

Which way she´ll take´


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