mardi 25 juillet 2023



(fast food) (unfinished work) (to do it by myself, by my hand) (drum drops)

Fast as a shark 

Fog in the streets A church clock beats Midnight - darkness all around You better beware You better take care Be prepared for the shock The time has come And he's the one Who's breathing down your neck Coming from behind Now it's your time A loser will die Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart On a one way track and you're not coming back 'Cause the killer's on the attack Surprise attack Coming from the back An expert of the deadly knack Just take care Just beware Be prepared for the fight Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark He's a killer, he'll rip out your heart On a one way track and you're not coming back 'Cause the killer's on the attack Watch out Watch out Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart On a one way track and you're not coming back 'Cause the killer's on the attack Fast as a shark he'll cut out of the dark He's a killer - he'll rip out your heart On a one way track and you're not coming back 'Cause the killer's 'Cause the killer's

 'Cause the killer's on the attack Attack, attack, attack




She´s shitting me. Traitor.


Pull me under

Lost in the sky Clouds roll by and I roll with them Arrows fly Seas increase and then fall again This world is spinning around me This world is spinning without me And every day sends future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last Watch the sparrow falling, gives new meaning to it all If not today nor yet tomorrow, then some other day I'll take seven lives for one and then my only father's son As sure as I did ever love him, I am not afraid This world is spinning around me The whole world keeps spinning around me And all life is future to past Every breath leaves me one less to my last Pull me under, pull me under Pull me under, I'm not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is to set it right Dust fills my eyes Clouds roll by and I roll with them Centuries cry Orders fly and I fall again This world is spinning inside me The whole world is spinning inside of me Every day sends future to past Every step brings me closer to my last Pull me under, pull me under Pull me under, I'm not afraid Living my life too much in the sun Only until your will is done! Pull me under, pull me under Pull me under, I'm not afraid All that I feel is honor and spite All I can do is to set it right Pull me under, pull me under Pull me under, I'm not afraid Living my life too much in the sun 
Only until your will is done Oh, that this too Too solid flesh would melt



She´s on service with Ed prozac

He´s one of them that have been with her.

He has been there in supriselly. proposal and service and now he´s back on . Since Mojave and Indiana deserts. Before she went to Alaska

She crawls she kinda of she´s under she laments but she stays

He s one of them an sam will do everything to do his job. 

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