dimanche 11 septembre 2022


I´m running out from Prudhoe Bay, because...
Time is running.
The weather temperatures.
Travel conditions, due to weather temperatures. Cold, wind, rain and snow.
I´ve some travelling schedules and its time to go on my way to Argentina.
Things are very expensive here for the budget.

The mission to reach the Artic Circle in Alaska was accomplished. 

Goodbye Prudhoe moon

Who´s there´
Who´s arriving...´
The inconvenient voice´ You sound Go_od. Trap. The Chinoi or Paki Ameriki´

Who´s going on a plane travel to... 
and then coming back to Prudhoe. Because Odyssey can be left all alone to much time.

Eva, how long do you gona stay in Prudhoe Bay´

Will you be able to travel with Odyssey to Canada and to the United States with the weather condition getting worst day by day and the roads getting very icy and dangerous to drive in´

Please take the highway on your way back.

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