mardi 27 septembre 2022




Dance one more song with me and i´ll leave you. Free as a blue bird fly free in the bluest, darker and golden skies. 

I´ll leave you, no matter how you are going to end it.

You want and you like to be free and to live on your own. To be independent.

Beautifully i understand that there´s no place. That you don´t waannaa marry with me for 25 minutes of our daily time. Of our lifetime on earth. 

Planet Earth.

25 minutes wouldn´t be bad at all. I´ll try to work on my love letters. Awakward for you, may be. Weird for others, who cares´  

Unless you like it. Unless you like the letters that I've been writing on the steering wheel of the car.



When i set the world on fire, i didn´t meant to set the wilderness itself on fire. 

It makes me jealous angry hungry... Only God knows what more.

I understand the wilderness. Travelling alone, not a single ray of the sunlight to warm. Not a single drop of rain falling, to satisfy it´s thirst and hunger. I understand. I understand that i can´t understand the feelings i feel inside of me. 

However, it´s lovely to see the wilderness. Cause the wilderness it´s lovely. A lovely one, i must say it to the wilderness.

God knows what i want. What i want to live. To say and to do. 

Say nothing, Do nothing.

Kiss me Goodbye

I´ll understand and the wilderness as well.

Where the eagles fly


Is killing me

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