vendredi 26 février 2021

Brothers and Sisters

HR RDI..... 90´s 2000´s      Aurora.....

Notre Dame de Paris Montreal
Hello HR Hello Lola Hello R Hello G

 Alive and Kicking

NGR 16

NGR Album photos at NIN6 Blogs

NGR 16

 O Toshiba O    O G O  6 G 6  N G R 

G C G C G C 

Someone Somewhere In Summer Time


         NGR 16 Queluz

Everything its alright. Well, almost everything. The T ass scientific project, program and job.

Sometimes you are right, other times you´re wrong. People agree, people disagree, It´s in people´s rights, to argue. If there are concret reasons, concret facts and real evidences, real proves for it. To argue, if they have real arguments, but without going further than it. Without stepping in / up above the others.

Everyone is innocent until proven in contrary. There´s no law and no right for anyone, clowns, police, animals or anybody else, to use the force, violence, to use whatever, the t aassss in their mothers aasss, against anyone, and that may cause personal casualities and problems to anyone.


Whatever someone may say or do. Even if its right, opponents have always something to argue, to say against, to turn it wrong. 

    When someone search, find and conquer something or someone. When someone have a gold in his hands. Something like a treasure, like gold, like love, a love, a person, a couple, that come out of the crowd, with its brightness, with its beauty and glory. When someone reach the gold of something. Something like love, like a treasure, like glory, like an achievement, a position, a podium, a relevant statue, a chair, a throne,  by greed and envy of others... greed and envy always step in on someone´s way, They have to step in, to criticize and do something against it

Politics. What you said before you went into politic, its a doggy world. (It doesn´t mean that now, you don´t like politic). Its not a easy task. Politicians have to have a lot of knowledge about social issues, government issues. Social and economic issues, mostly. Education, health and many other issues. 

People know the wars, know what makes the world go round. what rules the world. People know that interests, power and money its been above all, the main war. There are many things at steak. Interests, power. Its the power and the money that mainly divide people. That cause the main problems on society. That cause civil wars. Crime and death.

Within it, you are doing well, with knowledge, searching and studding things. Well informed by good sources, shoulders and good hands. Learning the real things about life, about people´s lives, social life,  about politic, governmental and social things. 

Good speeches. 

In words, Canada, its Canada and no one can take it away. Even England, France, Mexico and all the other foreigner communities, countries, that went to live in Canada. England and France make a great part of Canada History. So i can take a little something away. Even its only a little something, its something. I´m Portuguese.

Henry the Navigator, should had seen the map up side down. Geography. Instead sailing to the south, Henry Team and the Vikings, should have sailed to the north and discover Canada. 

Belém, Fortaleza, Recife.        Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Montevideu. Santiago, Assunção, Lima, La Paz, Quito, Bogota, Caracas, Cidade Do Panamá, Cidade do Mexico. Nova Deli, Macau...

Within two and a half years, the time that you´ll leave the politic chair, the throne, that you´re in today, the economic, the politics and media wars behind you, (This doesn´t mean that you are not enjoying your present politic life. For sure, its not a easy task to care) (They give to take. T. 

Dr Feelgood

Under the influence of some drops of Jupiter and Venus. Within Temptations, Pretty Ones and Dreams.) (Wage. 350, plus expenses.) 

In the last six, you´ve lost a few years of your life time. Mirror Mirroir), you will leave it with the gold in your pocket and angel wings will lift you up into a calm before the storm, Tranquility and piece of mind. You´ll leave with an achieved, an accomplish mission in your mind. If not, you´ll be a pumpkin on the string. Leave to live life. You´ll be flying free like a bird fly in paradise blue sky. Clouds. You´ll be enjoying your life with your family and friends. You´ll walk in the garden, play with your kids. Run free in all the street corners, gardens, lakes, hills and mountains of Canada. Fish in a golden lake. Sail on the seventh seas. Travel all over the four continents...

I´ll be Sailing

(Henrique Rod Rose Art N G) Cassettes

Whatever someone´s gold is...

A kiss its Justin a Kiss

Do you know where the fuck you are´ You´re in the jungle.

Welcome to the Jungle


Paradise City



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