mercredi 17 février 2021

Climate change

Breaking icebergs in the Artic. Greenland, North Canada, Siberia..., Changing earth constitution, structure, form and forces. (Orbital forces ... Weight, Balance, Equilibrium, Gravity, Established and stationary orbital position. 

The emissions to the atomosphere. Atomosphere that is constituted by gases and one of them, oxygen. Oxygen that is vital to terrestial life. Atomosphere that its protecting the earth from the sun ultraviolet rays. 

Changing the climate. Changing terrestrial ambient "natural" temperatures. Coldest winter temperatures ever in Canada and in America. Winter storms at the South...! Texas" The coldest temperatures of  the last century. 





United States

Europe and Asia.

Portugal, less rain falling in the last winters. From longest Rainninig days to a heavy rainy day.  However, strongest winds, white sky, coldest temperatures and big snow falls in the north and the inside country. 

Waters are rising

Oceans Temperatures and Rain fall
Its already visual in Europe. Less visual in the northern countries. Due to the northern countries mountainous territories. Great montains and great hills, lakes, rivers and oceans. So, the waters rise its not so visual in the northern countries.

The earth may turn up side down. Then, get out of the magnetic field. Get out of the solar system, Then, get freezed. Lost in space in a long dark journey to nowhere. Find the warm of another sun...



  Wood for the Fire  

  Oil and Gaz  



Canadian natural resources

Governement incomings / Revenues, That the government sells and tax. People pay twice. Two bills. The resource and the tax.
This resources, electricity, gas and oil, can pay all the government bills and much, much and much  more.

Nuclear Ogive


Earth turn into space ashes and dust

Dust in the wind



Between the Crust and the Moho, there´s a Giant Black Box. Build by Humans, by People. And when the Earth Explode the Black Box will be the Humanity´s Home, swiming, floating, navigating towards the Universe. Its a question of Time...

Oil and gas extraction



65% of Canada information its here. Come from here. Cap.

Institutional, Governemental, Judicial, Justice and Law, Political, economic... information

Gouvernement work bases come from here

A huge stuff and a lot of stuff behind the gouvenment.

The voice


The Gold

Rise and Fall - Helloween

Sunrise     Sunset Boulevard

Sure I came out here to make my name Wanted my pool, my dose of fame Wanted my parking space at Warner's But after a year, a one room hell A Murphy bed, a rancid smell Wallpaper peeling at the corners Sunset Boulevard, twisting boulevard Secretive and rich, a little scary Sunset Boulevard, tempting boulevard Waiting there to swallow the unwary Dreams are not enough to win a war Out here they're always keeping score Beneath the tan the battle rages Smile a rented smile, fill someone's glass Kiss someone's wife, kiss someone's ass We do whatever pays the wages

Sunset Boulevard, headline boulevard Getting here is only the beginning Sunset Boulevard, jackpot boulevard Once you've won you have to go on winning You think I've sold out? Dead right I've sold out! I just keep waiting for the right offer Comfortable quarters, regular rations 24-hour Five Star room service And if I'm honest, I like the lady I can't help being touched by her folly I'm treading water, taking the money Watching her sun set... Well, I'm a writer!L.A.'s changed a lot over the years Since those brave gold rush pioneers Came in their creaky covered wagons Far as they could go end of the line Their dreams were yours, their dreams were mine But in those dreams were hidden dragons

Sunset Boulevard, frenzied boulevard Swamped with every kind of false emotion Sunset Boulevard, brutal boulevard Just like you, we'll wind up in the ocean She was sinking fast, I threw a rope Now I have suits and she has hope It seemed an elegant solution One day this must end, it isn't real Still I'll enjoy a hearty meal Before tomorrrow's execution Sunset Boulevard, ruthless boulevard Destination for the stony-hearted Sunset Boulevard, lethal boulevard Everyone's forgotten how they started Here on Sunset Boulevard...!

Icarus - Wikipedia

Flight Of Icarus

20 21      22      23      2

LOL G C        Eddie                           

          Harris - Son     Dave Adrian - Young boy - G     Mum   Eye         


Golden Years

The Cross La Croix

Michael Ball  - Sunset Boulevard Live at Royal Concert Hall Glasgow 1993

As the sun breaks, above the ground An old man stands on the hill As the ground warms, to the first rays of light A birdsong shatters the still His eyes are ablaze See the madman in his gaze Fly on your way, like an eagle Fly as high as the sun On your way, like an eagle Fly and touch the sun Now the crowd breaks and a young boy appears Looks the old man in the eye As he spreads his wings and shouts at the crowd In the name of God my father I fly His eyes seem so glazed As he flies on the wings of a dream Now he knows his father betrayed Now his wings turn to ashes to ashes his grave Fly on your way, like an eagle Fly as high as the sun On your way, like an eagle Fly, touch the sun Yeah Fly, on your way, like an eagle Fly as high as the sun On your way, like an eagle Fly as high as the sun On your way, like an eagle Fly, touch the sun On your way, like an eagle Fly Fly as high as the sun

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