mardi 28 mars 2023

She says she´s nervous.

 She´s blogging. She have been watching my blogging. Is she´

My Girl is nervous

Turn Me On

I can't wait to get you Down on the dirty floor I know it ain't a place But come on and close the door I'm coming down for pleasure For headgames all night long Yes, indeed, i wanna have it now All what you've gotta give I'm coming to the point Where i can't hold myself You shouldn't hold it back It has to be done Please, turn me on, turn me on I can't hold it Please, turn me on, turn me on I explode Please, turn me on, turn me on I can't hold it Please, turn me on, turn me on I explode Can't hold it back It would be good to do it in the nice way But sorry, i ain't got no time I know you would like some light But sorry, here is no lamp So, please don't stop the feeling Please, come close to me I've gotta feel your hand To bring it to an end I'm coming to the point Where i can't hold myself You shouldn't hold it back It has to be done Please, turn me on, turn me on I can't hold it Please, turn me on, turn me on I explode Please, turn me on, turn me on I can't hold it Please, turn me on, turn me on I explode Baby, that was a hot lick But someone's banging the door Believe me, i'm sorry to stop you But i'm coming back for more It was more than i could ask for Sorry babe, i've gotta go Guess, there's more than two now Who wants to break the door Please babe, i've gotta go 

You have been really good 

I know you want some more But, what can i do Let's go ahead 

Please, turn me on, turn me on

My Walden

Sain y niwl Gaunt y goydwig fwsog Gwenithfaen, cen y coed, a'r lleuad Un gway f'adenydd i dapestri bywyd Light shines bright beyond all the cities of gold On a road of birdsong and chocolate shops Of buskers, jugglers, innkeeper's welcoming call The sound of mist, smell of moss-grown woods Weaving my wings from many-colored yarns Flying higher, higher, higher into the wild Weaving my world into tapestry of life Its fire golden, in my Walden I will taste the manna in every tree Liquid honey and wine from the distant hills An early morning greenwood concerto Greets my Walden with its eternal voice Weaving my wings from many-colored yarns Flying higher, higher, higher into the wild Weaving my world into tapestry of life Its fire golden, in my Walden Weaving my wings from many-colored yarns Flying higher, higher (higher into the wild) Weaving my world into tapestry of life Its fire golden, in my Walden Weaving my wings from many-colored yarns
 Flying higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher... 
I do not wish to evade the world Yet, I will forever build my own Build all the way, forever my own 
Forever my home

Mike Tramp - Coming Home

Opium in Seattle, Greens out of mind in Canada and o Kisses to NG.

\ - 👽 - \

Pakis in Alaska

NG Licks
No point of view. Just kissing you. 
Well. thank you Eva.

I told to not count the dots. Desobediente as she is, she count the dots. 6|.

                                  She send me kisses. She kissed me.

The Beauty and the Beast

The G color

As man grow old the color changes.

White is Purity. 

Quiet Peace Tranquility

White and black.

Some say that white is not a color.

White is the absence of color.

Can also mean blindness.
The time of the meting point between blindness and vision. Vision and blindness.


Switch the lights colors

Go General Electrics

 Fencing Y

NG Y | Her

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