mercredi 22 mars 2023

More than chaos.


This video is much more than the meaning of this single word, chaotic. Chaos.

It´s an office work base matrix, information and personal matters and issues.


In a good sense or in a worst scenery interpretation in a bad sense.

It´s junk.

What´ Who is a junk´

What are you really saying´

What´s there´ Who´s there in your words and scenery.

The door´

In thought, in question and in wonder´

Opening, open, closing or closed.

Things, easy come easy go.

Decisions time. Now, maybe later, never´

Is it what she wants´ Does she wants it´ Yes, she wants it. She needs it. She wants somebody and more than just a simple and temporary affair and relationship. Could he be the right person for her´ What it could be if it happens´ The relationship, how could it be´ It will result´ How much time it gonna last´ It will be just a temporary affair as the others or it will last´

Life must go on.

The window´

Are you in a hurry´ Are you going somewhere´ It can´t wait` You can´t stay there a little longer´ You want to keep travelling´ Yes you want. You want to reach the destination that in your thoughts is the place where you´re going to live. 

She have been busy there. She´s busy there. I think she may like it. She likes it. She likes fruits. Gorgeous and juicy fruits. Role models.

She likes to be there. It´s sunny, warm. Endless beaches, sand and ocean. 




She likes it. She wants it. She does it. Every time she does it i loose. A bliss to me. Em ot ssilb. Every time she does it, she wants more and more. More than she already took. Never enough. My girl, what da fuck is that´ Everybody always want more and more. Many times to the point of crucifixion. Dead. End. No more pleasure, no more gain. Its dead.

She may seem to be. Is she ok´ No, she is not.

Open mouth...

Deep state. The mind is in a deep state.

Under the influence.

Food and fireworks

To do their game, things have been done in a good mood.

She likes it. She wants it. She does it. They play and do their game with her.


Please tell me to stop writing these kind of messages on my blog.


Scrabble Game

Ci it in... She´s living I´m not living it 

Ci in love She´s in love Ci ing in surfer beach

 Ci ing in hell

Ing for surfer babe

Are you up´

Showers anxiety.

Suck mood.

I´m in deep trouble. In deep shit.

I´m suffering from ders orders and fireworks.

You´re killing me.

Order to end.

You´re likely more than this.

In deep session mood.

End it now.

5 to 6 will be enough for me. It will solve the issues. Including the travel ticket one way or to ways, depending how it develop an how things will workout with us. However i´ll need some time. Not too much but some time.


He´s a traveler. Who doesn´t like to travel and doesn´t want to be a traveler´ Anyone in this world.

He thinks about it.

Is he right for her´

He said he likes it. *0

It´s legal. It gives him a smile.

And he´s getting, being rough with her since a while ago.

Something about the music and the K and because of you.

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