jeudi 19 septembre 2024




Into a road, then a trail, you found a land, did you? Were you alone there? 
Did you close the gate?


Walk into the house, don´t forget to close the door and keep the key in that little box. 

Touch and feel the walls, do you want to be there alone?
Move that wall, the wall of your being, see what´s on the other side.
Look into the mirror.
Are you there?
Am I there?
Is there love?
Turn the key.
Open your thought, do you feel and see anything, someone?
Is there anything, is there someone?
Noise, voice or silence?
War or peace?
What do you have in your hand?

You bought or you are renting a house. You bought a land, a place to live. 
Walls and a roof, what do you want? What do you want to do there, and what are you going to do now?
Are you going to do it alone?

Yes, there´s horses running around there. Ghosts riding on horses. The land is not in peace, secret societies...

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