dimanche 1 septembre 2024



What´s right and what´s wrong?  

Right and wrong.

Saying and doing things in a constructive and gentle way.

Ladies and Gentlemen, 

I´m the excitement, I´d like to say it and that´s what i´m saying, darlings.

It is what i´m doing, building roofs.

A lot of things to think about and to do at the same time.

Yes, she loves this painted board. Seeing him working, building the house.

The walls, things to do first, even if this stone wall is going nowhere, shouldn´t it be painted with cement and secure before the roof is built?

What is wrong here on this image?
 From this perspective, this wall appears to be level, but the wall is not level.

Yes, the wood beams are not perfect, not equal, They are not the same as each other, in size, shape and cut. The work and construction of the roof will be made more difficult.

It´s true, no one is perfect. 
Not everything the Gods thought, imagined and created is perfect. The Temple, the Gods themselves, the universe and the Earth. The only perfect things were the creation of a place where humans could live and life. The perfect things are everything that was created so that humans could live on Earth and life.

You are alive, you have a family and you have a place to live. We can call it perfect, good, amazing. Not going into some details. The place for example, did the Gods choose the time and the place to live? Did you?

The house will not be perfect because it was not built from root. From a foundation and with a constructive order. Foundation, structure, walls and roof. The house it´s being build in the scratches of an old stone house.

What would have to be done first?

In addition to the foundation and structure of the house, the walls must be built, standing, secure, leveled and finished.

Wall with cement, secure and level.

Are you going to do it after the roof is built?

What did you do? You´re smiling.

The roof?

After all this has been done, the roof is built.

Yes, she loves the painted board, seeing him working and the house rising to the heavens. This board will go certainly to the kitchen wall of remembrances.

What is being done wrong?

The order of construction is wrong, 

What seems to be right?

Some procedures and processes seem to be right. There´s some Knowledge and learning there, which is a good thing to have and to do. 

You are not builders and you have never built a house. What is the good thing? You are learning and building a house, a stone house, a dream house in a wonderful place to live.

The garden

There were a thousand friends.

The trees have lived here since the ages of time.
There was a pine tree in the middle of the garden.
Where there is cement today there was gravel and sand.
Many games have been played here, football, races around the garden, toy car races on sand tracks, games of hide and seek, Garrafão, police and robbers, jumping over the bonfire, popular festivals.

N Green Child Bike 
There were and are garages, all the garages gates were painted red.

There were red benches around the garden and a red swing.
There were round cement tables.
There were bushes and plants, marigolds, daisies, and other flowers around the garden.
There were spiders 🕁


Here lived a music teacher. He taught music at the school in Queluz where I studied


Yeah, your 360º privacy was wired in and invaded by Realink.

Less you know the gate as been open without your knowledge when the thieves were playing GNR music on the background of the road path.

GNR Popless

Maldito espelho devolveu a imagem dela sem reflectir. É um vício danado aspirar o ar ao ela passar. Vem o hábito ficar sentado e deixá-la fugir, Fingir que passou ao lado e vê-la zarpar... Ai, lá vem ela sabendo que é linda, Por onde passa nem relva cresce, Lá vem ela mostrando interesse, Essa palavra, nesse Popless, Lá vem ela sabendo que mexe, Um peito acima, outro desce, Lá vem ela mostrando interesse, No que, no que cresce. É uma pena ter ficado sentado e deixá-la jantar, Foi um erro declarado e culpado por ela sorrir Ai, lá vem ela sabendo que é bela, Que me escuta à janela, Lá vem ela sabendo que é linda, Por onde passa tudo mexe (Ai) Lá vem ela sabendo que é boa, Que a nossa cabeça fica à toa, Lá vem ela sabendo que o interesse, De tudo isto é palavra Popless. Lá vem ela sabendo que é linda Por onde passa nem relva cresce, Lá vem ela mostrando interesse De resolver este (T) Popless (Ai) Lá vem ela sabendo que é boa E que esta cabeça ficou à toa, Lá vem ela sabendo que mexe, Um peito assim até mais cresce ,Lá vem ela mostrando interesse E lá vem ela sabendo que é bela E que à janela eu fico à espera, À espera de vê-la...

I see it. 

You see it?

I see and feel this is the part of the house where we are less visible to the little devils from roof sky. Clouds will bring the rain and the rain will fall on us, butt we we haven´t built yet the foundation. Once again we are in the same place of the other side of the house. Walls, structure and a foundation to be built. The roof? Already built,. before all the other things that have to be built first.

Look me in the eye and tell me, what you see and feel, does it look and feel like love?

We didn´t see properly, we didn´t see properly what we have now. We bought a piece of land to live, to build a place, a house... But we didn´t explore well our place and all the things that we had in mind to do here. We wanted to build a house. Then we start to do things, to build things with what we had. We bought some materials and tools... We like the old stone house, the old stones, so, we are building the house using the old house as the base to build our dream house.

Have you designed, made a project...? Did you see your house before it was built?

Everything else is a question of basic construction, materials, tools, order and work.

Doing it all alone is not easy, for several reasons. 

Two minds see more than one. Does your mind see it?

Construction, architecture, geometry, math, calculation, measurements, weights... all the things to have in mind and all the things to do.

Two people is better than only one. Can you carry all the work alone?

Do you have the means, all the materials and tools to build what you want to build?

The craziness of this and the feelings that are felt inside a person by doing this. Being here with a friend, with children, building crosswords, scrabbles, crossroads, laziness, leisure, happiness, building a house, puzzles, painting walls, colours...  

Terraces and a river down below the property.

Being here admiring nature, isn´t amazing? It is a great feeling and glorious.

There are endless possibilities, endless paths and things to do here in mind, things that are buzzing the brain. So not everything is going right, have been some wrongs here.

By da ay the earthquake was 5.3 and the last one on this scale in Portugal was in 1969.

See and feel it, is tickling.

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