jeudi 29 août 2024


 Zooey G

Who is here?
What is your name?


That door, I´m in to it, love the door. True, believe me. I keep the keys always with me and when I open the door I have good thoughts and visions about the Alps landscape. I see good things in there, I see nature and people there, you and the Italianos. Even goats, pastors and priests, those goats that like to climb mountains, roofs and visit friends. 
In the other day I was taking a bath when a goat fell like a drone from the roof window. A goat that doesn´t have wings, he is no angel. Can you imagine anything, what happen?
The goat descaracterize the Stone House walls with a bad and annoying insulation installations and decoration.

The hole that the excavator is digging now, in which was found a concret wall, which I think it was build to prevent the house from a possible landslide...
Are all those heating pipes that you installed on the floor of the house so needed to heat the house? Don´t you have clothes? Only the clothes I have on and work with. It´s cold in the Italian Alps in winter. Don´t you have a wood stove? No, it makes noises, noises that sound like an orchestra distorted melody, far from other wonderful melodies, No, i don´t have a wood stove, it light fire sparks, not good for vegetables, meat and seasoning, and smells in my mind like a thousand wood spirits crying, screaming their sadness and laments. As well i don´t want to burn my Stone House. You have wine, don´t you? The door, love the door.

Hello Mr & Mrs adventures

The Windmill may think that without a creek Tulipes will not grow. Tulipes did grow, inside and outside the Mill. Tulipes are there and alive, their eyes may not see yet what the sunflowers see, what goes inside the Mill, they are still young, immature and learning but they see the rain that falls on people who are working the land and what was been and is being build.


Between arguments and pleads the excavator is going to dig the well. Soon will start to rain and heavy on the water and electricity bills.

Building a house by your own. 
Materials, tools, work, effort and time.
Some materials and tools are expensive
Costs will double, triple, if you hire workers to build a house.
Depending on the house you want to build, you gonna need some workers.
Unless you have all the materials and tools to build, if you have some knowledge of all kind of things that you gonna need to have, if you can carry all the work all alone or with someone.

Excavator / trator, a four wheels and a trailer are the most expensive mechanic tools.

Wood is expensive.

Wood or concret, different kinds of construction and work,


Too many rafters above the drafts.

What do you think?

To much weight?

Iron beams above wood beams?

Wooden boards, how long do you think it will last?

At least until you're a hundred years old.

Your kids?

Growing and living with their parents in a quiet, peaceful and wonderful place.

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