lundi 26 août 2024

Little house


The river...

The car... yes, I have a drive license. It´s true.

It's been a while that I don't drive drunk.

And a bike too. I have a bike.

Yes, that four wheels and the trailer will be a physicaly counterbalance, an effort counterbalance for you, and an useful utility, mostly to load, carry and take things to the top of the mountain. As well, another challenge, you know´ climbing that mountain on feet and not on wheels... Good, one reason to stay in the garden or at home with me, to walk, hike and climb the walls, even sky diving.

Is important to have knowledge about the materials and the tools and to learn how to work with it. 

And if you like what you do, to work with it, is empowering, enjoyable and gratifying. If you finish the work, if in the end the result of your work it's what you dream and wanted. If you have the means, the right materials and the tools to do it. Is empowering, enjoyable and gratifying mostly when your work is to do something, to build something for you and for other people.

Depending on what you want to build, on what you're building, with what kind of materials you want to build.

 More or less difficulty, depending on the type of the construction and on the materials that you may want, that you're going to use to build.

Concret, a big load of it, of work and effort. For me the best house to build, in many aspects and reasons. Wood and other materials can be use too. I like wood too.

No, that's not the power, the power come from other things, mostly from the organic things of the human´s magic. As well it may come from substances, food, drops.

Piss and poop


Soak shampoo creams detergents oils

Actually it brings / puts down many things.

Lio are you here?

Are you alone there?

What do you want to do there?


Fall in love with me.

Do something.

Build something.

Live something.

With someone, please.

Not door to door, I don't like it.

Oh, you've lost the keys, the sense of time and space. You've been lost, somewhere in the middle of being and living homeless, lonely and needy, in the middle of your needs and some fire sparks that came aimlessly on the way.

True or not true?


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