mardi 27 août 2024


 Little House

Autumn and Winter will come soon, true. 

The land has time to think and rethink before the storms that will love the land in the Autumn and Winter.

Solutions are still open. Nobody closed a window, a door, the garden, the gate and the path to the land. The roof is still with plenty of thoughts and ideas, imagining things. The roof is still with plenty of time to find solutions to your mind.

You like the ipit, don´t you? 

Room stairs

Well, I don´t. 

And it´s not a matter of liking it or not. You have the answer, it was given by me.

He´s right and truthful and right, sometimes wrong, every time.

Someone invested and bought a land.


A little house... 


Everything in your life has to do with what you really need and want and with what you really have to do in your life. You did not went there to have an affair with the land and then go to some other place, diiid you?

What do you have to loose butt to gain?

A ipit, the world doesn´t end here, because of a ipit, it begins with a land and a little house. 

That somewhere place.

That someone.

That somewhere place.

It doesn´t have to have an order, as long as you have both, 

The land

friendship and love.

You beautiful

Suicide solutions

You fall in love with me, in my arms, in friendship and love with me.

We can talk and write some words together.

Someone invested and bought a land. There´s no secret in this. You, you said it, that you were going to buy a land. And there you are on your social media wagging your lovely arseeeeee.

You beautiful


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