jeudi 11 juillet 2024


 The lines aren't all right, but look how beautiful the green grass is. 

At the age of two, she gently descends a stone staircase and walks across a grass field with a wheelbarrow in her hands and like a fairytale maiden. Well articulated thoughts and movements, Sawyer is growing beautifully.

Your kids will be there with you and when it happen, when they grow up, life will be much easy for you both.


You, your kids, the house and the farm...

You're living a time of entropy, of confusion. You're starting a new life. You know what you would like and to do... do you'

You´ve never done this before, you have some ideas, you're in the early days of a new life, working and learning new things.

You try to follow schedules but there's always something else to do. Priorities, things to do first, things to do daily, you, your kids, the house, the food and than all the work that have to be done, all the things that you have to build at the farm...

Never easy to follow schedules, cause there always something else to do. And then things that don't go as thought and planed. There are many things in thought and to do at the same time.

If you don't water your mind your thoughts garden will not grow up. If you schedule, if you follow and do it, things will happen and grow. Life will be much easy, pleasant and enjoyable, far from entropies and confusion. Little by little and with the help of some friends to follow the right path of life. Even if sometimes God writes in wrong lines to go into that time and place, life on Earth.

The farm is a wonderful place for your kids to grow up and live. Better than in a car, than in a truck or a van.

From where and from whom the idea of travelling and living  in a van came in' 

Were you in a mission or adventuring in roads, trails and wilds where no one else have been before´

When and where did the van break while you were travelling'

Were you both lost, homeless and alone when you met for the first time' 

When and where it happen'

How was it when you drink together the first glass of wine'

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