mercredi 31 juillet 2024


My God Giving Right

Some thoughts, ideas and drafts.

Ghost writer

People suppose that even ghosts must have feelings.

I have feelings, do you?

Are you a ghost?

You have a land.


Odyssey can be your first roof in your land. Or does the land have a home?
Is Odyssey still alive?

You tell me where would you take the king?
Is it a confession? Do you wanna talk?
Roses, blueberries and strawberries, please do not tease and tempt the king with mint.

I thought you were homeless. But you´re not. You have a land, a place to live.

I thought you were with someone, butt you´re alone. Are you? Do you have someone, a friend, a boyfriend?

I thought you thought of me. Where we could be. In what kind of relationship we could have and be, in what we could do together. Butt you didn´t thought about me and about it. You were here and there, traveling in roads and trails, in the wild all alone and by your own. Were you? You were here and there, driving aimlessly to nowhere, without destination, uncertain, with what you were and are, and with what do you really wanted to do. Driving, traveling without a truthful friendship, love and care by your side. Being with you and holding you. 

All this time homeless, lonely, needy and lost.

Vilk is right, you´ve being alone here and there, true. Homeless, lonely, needy and lost for a long time and you still are, aren´t you?

Having some affairs here and there with what and who came on your way, true. I don´t like it. Be a girl, be a woman.

Vilk is truthful, he is right. Sometimes wrong, all the time, intentionally a bad boy. Trying to guide you and show you the good way, that someone and that somewhere place to live.

Those guys you talk about, who are they? Friends? That have being there with you talking on the social media. Scientologists? Those that have being coming on your way along the time and the places that you´ve being since you began your travel adventures. How it really began and from who came the idea to travel to the Middle East, to a religious and war zone?

Are you sleeping well?

Profoundly, long hours and with my eyes closed.


With thieves and Scientologists.

Lie down in one place and wake in another?

I can´t even remember what I did, how could I remember where I lied?

Is that what I think you did*


Was I there with you? Did I lay with you somewhere?

I don´t know, ´cause I don´t remember butt you´ll.

I thought that. I think about it everyday, butt I know we´ll never see each other. Maybe in another life, who knows? Do you? 

Drops and Scientologists.

I thought about crime and suicide, how to protect you? 

How to scratch your face without hurting you and to make you feel good and being smiling?

To guide you into a small cabin in the wild with cams to see and listen you moan. All alone, a cookie and a glass of wine would make you rave, kneel and crawl.

Are you eating and sleeping well? Scientology, clowns.

Pale, visíble in naked eyes, out of mind, uncontroled mind, instable, however recovering and gaining some weight.

What happen there?

She´s in the chess and working.



Sun and wind...

Four seasons weather

Opium smells a thousand times better than weed.

Smells like you my love

You know I love you, don´t you?



14 acres is a lot of land. A lot as you mean to me.
You have all the time in the world to do whatever you want and to live. Do it comfortably. Take your time to do it pleasantly and joyful.
What do you have in mind to do there?
Whatever is in your mind, whatever you are thinking, whatever you are going to do there, are you going to do it all alone?
Whatever you gonna do there you can't do it all alone. You need someone, that someone. Do you have that someone? Don´t you need someone?
 Things will not gonna be simple and easy. There will be a lot of thought, search, learning, work, effort and time.
Can you do it all alone? No you can´t.

What do you want to do there?
To live.

Is there a house in your land?

You did not made a mistake. You did what you thought you should do.
However, you're missing something very important to you and to your life, that someone.

Give time, place and space to find that someone. 
Give time, place and space for a relationship of friendship and love.

Find a piece of land to live.

Build your home and work the land as you would like to build, work and live.

The first thing to do in your land is to explore and know the land. Fields, trees, fruits, plants... water source... important. Then build your home. 

In your case and because you´re not going to live off grid, from the land and from your work there. Because you have your own and enough means to live there by your own and not from the land and the work you may do there.

Then there will be time for other things. Like travel and things and things like this and that you like to do.

Do you hear the bird singing?
Well, it´s me.
Do you hear someone barking? 
Well, it´s me.

Do you feel with your feet the ground of the land? 
Do you? Yes? Than you are feeling me. Iam the ground of your land.
The heaven's above the land?
Well, I live in hell, it´s not me.

You see me, is it what you're saying to me?


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