samedi 6 avril 2024

Love you


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You look sad. Nervous and a little out of control.
You got stuck in the snow.

You knew it would happen.

You are not regretting what you did but what you said. What you said to the world, to your social media followers, to those who like love you. You said that because it is what's going on in your mind. What's ringing and buzzing your mind.
Then you went three days without say a πŸŽƒ*ing word.
You took a break. You paused in time and space, there in your winter tale.
Three days, you were having some time for you. You took some time to take care of you, for relaxation, an hot tube bath, a sauna, Odyssey, who knows a little cabin too, to think about you, about your life, your travels, your work, your love ones and a little bit about me. To think about what are you going to do in the near future. You were there, having some time, alone or with people. socialising with the people of the land, with animals, snow, landscapes and skies 
Three days, you hid in a wardrobe after some thinking about what you've said.
Time enough to get into troubles, You went into troubles. Did you* Alone, homeless and hungry'.

Then you sang this.

Breaking point
I got stuck stuck
I doggy doggy doggy.

And I, I'm just writing things. Thoughts, pumpkins, kisses...  
Doing my things, loving you, loving me.

Love you


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