mardi 26 mars 2024

Love, you are love.

You're going down the wrong path. No hand in you, saying wrong words and getting on the percipices of someone´s sofa.

🦾 👄 🌀 1 🎃

You don´t have to explain to me what you are doing and saying, just give me a blink of one eye.

Gimme Sympathy


                                                               Metric Richard sister and friends.


I don't know where you're going with your hands in your pockets. I don´t understand a word and what you're saying. Could you please sit on the sofa for one moment.



Movement, motion and conversation is a part of the act of love that deals with a person´s feelings.

I didn't invite you to sit on a chair but on a bench in a garden. To spend a moment together. To talk, to listen and to kiss each other's words.

Christine´ Sophie´ Him´

Things were messed, getting messed, to the breaking point.

A relationship tired and crumbled by time, in boredom, without novelty and diversity, without flame, has been extinguished...´

Someone came along the way´ Someone fell by the wayside, both fell´

Time and life have passed, people are no longer the same.

A change, of mirrors, of home and of life´

Looking for other challenges and adventures in another place in another relationship. Looking for a different person and different love. Other walls and windows, other gardens, horizons and skies, roads, landscapes and heavens.

Love and paradise lost.

I know the music, the music you like.

Low the sound level, listen, learn the melodies and the lyrics, then sing and play. Read if you find the lyrics noisy and interesting.

Coeur de Pirate

Natasha St Pier

Orange Green Blue Red

Julie Payet


Canada Arm

Raphaël - Caravane

Est-ce que j'en ai les larmes aux yeux Que nos mains ne tiennent plus ensembles Moi aussi je tremble un peu Est-ce que je ne vais plus attendre Est-ce qu'on va reprendre la route Est-ce que nous somme proches de la nuit Est-ce que ce monde a le vertige Est-ce qu'on sera un jour punis Est-ce que je rampe comme un enfant Est-ce que je n'ai plus de chemise C'est le Bon Dieu qui nous fait C'est le Bon Dieu qui nous brise Est-ce que rien ne peut arriver Puisqu'il faut qu'il y ait une justice Je suis né dans cette caravane Et nous partons allez viens Allez viens Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu, tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Et parce que ma peau est la seule que j'ai Que bientôt mes os seront dans le vent Je suis né dans cette caravane Et nous partons allez viens Allez viens Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu, tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Tu lu, tu tu Tu lu, tu tu tu Allez viens Tu lu, tu tu

Babies in orbit line.

HR Concord

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