jeudi 28 décembre 2023


 Loving you why shouldn´t I´

I tell you why, you are a beautiful being.



I don´t an do a stop on the road. 
But I guess that you´re telling me to try.
I´ll have to leave with nothing, cause I've to leave, if I want to keep me driving.
I know, I saw it, I saw the sign, 66 KM to the border. I´m not too far to get off the main road. Tonight I´ll rest with no excuses of time and worry with my body and mind. Am I in a hurry´ For what, for who´
I forgot, well, I almost forgot that there´s a tomorrow, that there will be another day tomorrow on the road. You´ll be at home, is it the hurry´ I guess it is. You and only you keep me driving fast and far. But I've got to give myself time to dream, so I´m getting out of the main road now to lie down somewhere and dream of you. Having you in mind, it is what keeps me alive. Even though I know I´m dead there, there in your life.

Kisses and goodnight to you.

Please don't pull the sheets to your side.

See you tomorrow.

It is not only love. Things and things of you and of me.

I´ll keep doing my things and "yours" if you like me, if you talk with me and if you kiss me.


If we...

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