dimanche 10 décembre 2023

A house in the middle of a street.


Search for Gothic houses and rooms on the web.

You´ll love it.

To build / buy a house.

Are you alone´ 

Do you have someone, a companion, a boyfriend´

Do you want to live alone or with someone´

Do you want to get marry, have kids'

You have a friend, Vilk.

Where would you like and want to live'

The land, the place... The kind of place.

In the wilderness of the civilizations´ 

By the side of a road with traffic jams and noisy clowns neighbors´ 

In a hill, near a river or sea, in a valley or in a mountain´ 

The house´

A stone house, of wood, of iron, bricks and cement´

How many rooms do you want to have in the house´

House and rooms sizes´

House base, two rooms, one for you and other for Vilk. One toilet / bathroom, one living room, one kitchen, one laundry and one office. 

How many divisions´


How many floors´ 

One, two´

House basement´

Walls, doors and windows´


Garden, garage and warehouse´

Land, property´

These are the questions you should ask yourself. To know what do you want, where you want to live and in what kind of a house you really want to live.

Know the place, the landscape, the weather and wind's ways. The sunrise and Sunset way. A water source...

Know your house tastes. What you would like to have and build.

Then, you design and redesign, paint and repaint your house in a piece of paper till you find the one you like. 

First you make a sketch and after reaching the conclusions you start the project of your future house.

To build or to buy´

To buy´

If you buy a house for sure you´ll make some works in.

The means, tools, mind, hands and will will make it. Whatever you would like to do in your house. To build something, to recreate, restore or to repair something´

Gothic Thing


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