samedi 24 juin 2023


Nuno G Rosa

Stop loving me. Stop wanting me. Stop doing the things you do to me.


 International. Different specimens.

Who said that? No one said that.

At this time you should know something about me.

What is and what is not.

What i say about that issue.


Def Leppard and Motley Crue concert in Lisbon.

Great Heavy Metal Bands


2001 Disco

Rock and Metal Disco in Autodromo do Estoril.

A disco where I use to go with some friends

Ricardo... Carla brother Miguel, PF... ... ...

Ticket price 1/4 of my monthly budget.

Paris walks and walkman music. 
Pyramid Louvre Paris France

Giants Ozzy


Madrid Galiza Badajoz Madrid

(Bus and Train travels)

NGR Spain Travels

It has nothing to do with Galiza but with crosses.

We went into a store in Lisbon to buy some Heavy Metal stuff. T shirts...

We found this one in the middle of others things. That is it. That is the story of it. Nothing else.

And about the band and the Spanish music Zero its a false story. A lie. A lie like many others stories that some clowns have been telling to people.

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