jeudi 8 juin 2023

Land of books. Eva's passion and meadows.

Do you want to kiss me?

Aiming to reach a precipice to live or to die, I marked on a map an invisible point and when I walked along a narrow path something invisible made me shake. I lost the meaning of things, the meaning of life. That was when I entered in another dimension of thought. 
The words separate from each other in cold waters. Books dive and lay in abysses. I swam in words and in texts. In stories and in tales. Sentencing my body and my mind to die in deep waters. 
I walked to a precipice, read the Bible, jumped, flew, plunged into an abyss, and never found my way back home.

You are a beautiful somewhere.

Even when the place doesnt make sense.
Even if the cheesy thing is not me.

I see you You see me.

Heaven I see


Heaven I see

The eye iris

Even when the place doesnt make sense.

Even if the cheesy thing is not me.




Hannah you Gypsy

Good Good Good
Loving you

 N G R

I C G                

Gentle Kisses


Keep doing what you doin´
G´s loving you.


One day we´ll be creating, singing and dancing together in your studio 

Hating a little bit my nap with you on the floor but loving the music melody in you.

One drink or two, for a smile, for a laugh with you. 
The interesting thing that's when I sat next to you in that somewhere stair. We were silent for a while. Then we talk to each other. Together we smiled and cry. We played in the same smiled. In the same cry and laugh. We found interesting things in the way of the words, in the accent of the words and in the meaning of the things we speak to each other.

No, we did not sin.

Would you like to drink something?

A drink for a smile, for a tear and for a laugh.

Hating and loving at the same time the music that come from the floor.



Jonna, are you walking on that trail?

Jonna, you are walking on a trail.

Or are you walking in a mine field?

Hello Somers

We pray for better days to come.

Love your children

  Kara & Nate  

The wine.

 Get out, step away. Go away. Leave the truck. 

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