jeudi 20 avril 2023



I like love you.




Please love me.

I like love you and it´s not just simple and single words.

You´re alone. Yes you´re. Travelling alone.

In crossroads, trails, crosswords and scrabbles. 

In the wild. 

In the winds and in the storms ways. Travelling in your lady with wheels, Odyssey, with whatever and whoever comes on your way. It´s a shity reality.

You´re alone in your thoughts. No you aren´t. Someone else is there too. S.

I know that you don´t have that someone that really loves you. That someone by your side, day by day, moment by moment. Taking care of you. Handling you when and in the moments you need it most.

I know that you need to have that someone with you. To walk and to talk. To handle your hand and to play with you. ´Cause i know you like to walk, to talk and to play. You need to have someone to caress and to take care of you when and in those moments you feel and you need most. ´Cause you are needy. Vunerable.

Yes i know it. You need it and much more.

You are missing and feeling all these things in you life. On this long journey of yours.

You are missing what is love. What life is all about. 

Life it´s not just adventure.

It´s a crazy and amazing travel adventure of yours. Yes it is.

Love it.

I think it´s the time for you to make a break on your travelling journey. In the future you´ll have time for other travels. Not for adventures. It must end. ´Cause by the time you´ll be with that someone. It been a long long travel. It´s the time for you to find that someone. The time to find that somewhere place and to build your home where you´re going to live. I tell you, it can be a real and a wonderfull life time there with that someone. Hopefully, harmonious, joyful, pleasant and quiet. Lived in peace with the world and with yourself. 

It can be creative, productive if you build a relationship with someone. A love story. If you build your own place and space. Your home and your family. All your life dreams and goals.

Sure, it will be not easy. It will be hard sometimes. Life it´s not easy. Not always a blue sea´s of roses.

Union makes the strength. You must be united with yourself, with someone. With life and with the world.

It´s what i think you should and should do. And you´re going to do it. I believe you´ll do it.

I give you all the freedoms of this world where we´re living in for you to chose and to decide your path and destiny. To chose your someone, your love. Your somewhere place and your home to live and to do whatever you´ve dreamed and would like love to do.

It will always be your choice and decision to be made. With all freedoms and human rights and within your own will.

Yes, i´ve be good and bad for you. It´s nothing but the truth.

I like love you. 

That is it.

You feel and you have the necessity to share your thoughts with someone. Of speaking with someone. Of writing. Your writings are inspiring reads to me. You are very good when and with what you write in your papers. You share your papers, words, your things, your person, your beautiful being with people. It´s good to share things. It feels good when something is shared with someone. You do it. However in your social media and with your million social media followers. 


What you drink, eat and with who you´re.

Where do you go and where do you sleep´

Sometimes you really piss me off. And i think that you piss off many others.

Some of the things you say, do and write. You really like and love to do it. It´s in you. In your being.

The reasons why i´ve been good and bad for you.

I know i do some grammatical errors. I know there are some grammatical errors in the things i write in my papers.

I know that i may be doing, or did some big grammatical errors and missteps with you.

Please try to understand me. I´m trying to understand myself and you.

I´m getting there. I think.

Please be angry with me. Love me. Hate me. Whatever you may feel, be angry with me and with yourself.

Think of me when you´re feeling lonely, sad, in discomfort, in the cold and loneliness.

Wherever you´ll go ´ll be there with you. In your thoughts at least.

Shit what am i doing here´

In reality, nothing at all.

You´re there, i´m here. Far, far away from you.

What is it that I really want and would like to do´

Get out from here. 

Go to the place where i want to be.


With who i´d like to be at this so precise moment in my life´

With no one like you.

To love and to be loved.

                                 Video release March 21, 1982

Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apart Much too long for a man who needs love I've missed you since I've been away Babe, wasn't easy to leave you alone Getting harder each time that I go If I had the choice I would stay There's no one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you No one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you Girl, there are really no words strong enough To describe all my longing for love I don't want my feelings restrained Ooh, babe, I just need you like never before Just imagine ya come through this door You'd take all my sorrow away There's no one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you No one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you No one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you No one like you I can't wait for the nights with you I imagine the things we'd do I just wanna be loved by you

I like love you.



April the 26


Hello Grandma, Mom, Brother, Poland

Me Girl, a truthful boyfriend and love please.



  Encrypt all your hard disks data.  

   If it isn´t too late´ If Sam didn´t d it yet.  

  All your files.  

  Encrypt yourself.  

  Shut down your computer everytime and before you go anywhere or before you go to a deep sleep.  

  You must secure Odyssey by all means.  

  Better alone than with strangers.  

  Comminities and meetings.  

  Motel rooms, airnbnb and cabins anticipated bookings. 

  Before you arrive, Sam was and is already there. 

  Food and drinks. 

 You are a vegan. i know. 

  Vegan is good. But is not so smely, so tasty and joyful to eat as other foods. 

  You need to eat food with all your senses. It´s what please the mind and the body and what gives the joy and the satisfaction of eating.  

 Pure water is good. Not a portion inside an empty glass for somebody else party with you.  

  It will be hard if you jump into a hole. Into somebody´s trap. If you swallow a portion. It will be hard to get it out of your conscience, regrets and lamentations.  

 Note, these things can happen with anyone at anytime. It happens all over the world, mostly with women. It happen in Nevada. Where else´ 

  Any woman is a prey to be hunted.  

  I´m trying to love and to be loved and to kiss you.  

  I am a predator. I am a hunter. I hunt little, angelical and innocent girls. 

The things you do to me and that you like love so much to do to piss me off. To get me angry and drunk. The reasons why i like love you. You are so beautiful. Just like me.  

  I´m hunting you. Please try to hunt me and to like love me. 

  Obey or disobey me. 

 Please love me.  

 Go Go Go Now  

  Get Out of there  

  Get out of Sam´s way   

The last few days were so shit.

Shit to come back to the place four days from now.

Feeling ashamed but smiling because of the influences of substances and fireworks.

It will never end here or there. Cause it´s will be stronger than you. You´ll fall. At at anytime. A portion, fireworks and hungry will lead you to holes that you´re already in. In deep shit and trouble. Aren´t you´ You´ll fall in anyone´s trap. Mostly because you´re alone and of corse because of the meat. 

Shit Shit Shit

What am i saying´ Doing´

You shit Geva

Your asshole Sam

It´s your fault. You´ve fail her and with many other people.

Sam get out of people´s way. What may happen to people should happen naturally and within each person will.

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