jeudi 6 avril 2023

Lena 22



Hello Annette Hello Sweden

I was walking in the park...

You were walking in the park...



Everything Is Wrong

Um Bom Dia De Aniversário Para Ti.

Helena Cristina 




For those who don't know, Lena lived at the White House for a while.
After my father left my mother, the White House and after the divorce, in the 80´s, Lena went to live with us. Things weren´t good at the 22... Some years later she went back to live at the 22. My mom was alone with us and it was the best thing that could happen to her. They lived a lot of good things together. Their friendship and relationship was amazing.
However, things were not easy for my mom. Mostly because of monetary reasons....
My mom and Lena lived good things together and with friends, in and during the storms.

My mom is no longer here, however, they are still great friends.

Julio Iglesias


Will to be alone No cricket of what passed The glass of the same wine No toast but please It's not that I don't have friends, it's not that I don't value But today you need solitude In the name of what ended Will to be alone But for a healthy cause Exchange the heat of the nest For the cold of the morning Thanks the orchestra if used Now is flute of Pã Hojé is necessary solitude With the blessing of God Tupã And to whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already breathed But the wind brings no answer It is over To whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already blew But the wind brings no answer It is over The arrow that passes close Singer begging for an encore The guy who always lies The ugly one who wants to be miss Seagull flying under the sky The lyrics I've never done Everything is the same loneliness But you can be happy And to whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already breathed But the wind brings no answer It is over And to whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already breathed But the wind brings no answer It is over And everyone is alone And woe betide anyone who thinks that not The girl with her neighbor Soldier with captain And it remains for those who are without their love Love their loneliness Today it takes a howl Wolf in the darkness And to whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already breathed But the wind brings no answer It is over And to whom to ask when the wind blows Answer that it has already breathed But the wind brings no answer It is over

Even if it's me

I know you made your castles And dreamed of being saved from the dragon Disillusionment my good When you woke up you were without anyone Alone in the silence of your room Search for the sword of your savior Who in the dream despairs Will never be able to rid you of the beast From loneliness With the strength of my singing Warming your room to dry your crying Increases the radio give me your hand Philosophy is poetry that said to my grandmother Before barely accompanied of what only You need a man to call your Even if that man is me A man to call his

Life is a Cabaret - House, Bars, Live Music, Discos, Trumps Disco Bairro Alto Lisboa, Camping... Beach...


Under the Cloth   82

What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth Or if I'm going to lose It's under the cloth What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth Or if I'm going to lose It's under the cloth It is under the cloth That we are not afraid Can keep secret Of everything we have It is under the cloth That we talk about so-and-so And say what is appropriate It is under the cloth That I drown That I harm myself Without seeing my good It is under the cloth That I drown That I harm myself Without seeing my good What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth Or if I'm going to lose It's under the cloth What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth Or if I'm going to lose It's under the cloth It is under the cloth That we hide everything And we are not mute And everything wants to do It is under the cloth That we make a mistake Without anyone knowing It is under the cloth That we Enter through the pipe Without anyone seeing It is under the cloth That we Enter through the pipe Without anyone seeing What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth What we do It's under the cloth For no one to know It's under the cloth If I gain more It's under the cloth Or if I'm going to lose It's under the cloth... It is under the cloth That we hide everything And we are not mute And everything wants to do It is under the cloth That we make a mistake Without anyone knowing It is under the cloth That we Enter through the pipe Without anyone seeing It is under the cloth That we Enter through the pipe Without anyone seeing

Necessary Evil

I am a man, I am an animal, I am a woman I am the table and chairs of this cabaret I am your deep love, I am your place in the world I am the fever that burns you but you do not leave I am your voice that screams but you do not accept The ear that listens to you, when the voices are hidden In the bars, in beds, in homes, in mud I am the new, I am the ancient, I am the one who has no time What has always been alive, but not always attentive What has never been lacking, what torments and kills him I am the right, I am the wrong, I am the one who divides What does not have two parts, in fact exists Offers the other cheek, but do not forget what they do to you In bars, in mud, in homes, in bed I am the new, I am the oldancient, I am the one who has no time What has always been alive I am right, I am wrong, I am the one who divides What does not have two parts, in fact exists So forget what they do to you In bars , in mud, in homes In bed, in bed, in bed In bed

There is no sin south of the Equator

There is no sin on the underside of the equator Let's do a naughty sin under your blanket Let me be your slave, doormat, your curl A stream of love When it's a lesson in sculling, look there, come out from below That I'm a teacher Leave the sadness there, come eat, me dinner Sarapatel, caruru, tucupi, tacacá See if you use me, abuse me, smear That your cafuza Can't wait Leave the sadness there, come eat, me dinner Sarapatel, caruru, tucupi, tacacá See if it exhausts me, put me on the table That your Dutch can not wait There is no sin on the underside of the equator Let's do a sin, torn, sweaty at full throttle Let me be your slave, your curl A stream of love When it's a sculling mission, look there, come out from below That I'm an ambassador Leave the sadness there, come eat, me dinner Sarapatel, caruru, tucupi, tacacá See if you use me, abuse me, smear That your cafuza Can't wait Leave the sadness there, come eat, me dinner Sarapatel, caruru, tucupi, tacacá See if it exhausts me, put me on the table That your Dutch can not wait


Were 100 gypsies raising dust Mixing in the paws earth of other lands Airs of other forests Me, bandolier On my winged horse In the right hand the fado Throwing seeds In the fields of the mind And if you spoke magic, dream, and fantasy And if you spoke charm, brokenness, and condon You would not be deceived, you would not deceive yourself, no! Were gypsies raising dust Mixing in the paws earth of other lands Airs of other forests Me, bandolier On my winged horse In the right hand the fado Throwing seeds In the fields of the mind What if you spoke magic, dream and fantasy And if you spoke charm, brokenness and condon Spell, trance, journey, hallucination Mirage!


Today i had a nightmare and got up attentive, in time I woke up in fear and looked in the dark for someone with his affection And remembered a time Because the past brings me a memory Of the time I was a child And fear was a reason for crying Excuse for a hug or a consolation Today I woke up afraid, but I did not cry or complain shelter From the dark, I saw an infinite without present Past or future I felt a strong embrace, it was no longer fear It was your thing that stayed in me Suddenly, we see that we have lost Or are we losing something Warm and naïve That gets in the way That is dark and cold, but also beautiful Because it is illuminated By the beauty of what happened minutes ago I today had a nightmare and got up attentive, in time I woke up in fear and looked in the dark for someone with his affection And remembered a time Because the past brings me a memory Of the time I was a child And fear was a reason for crying Excuse for a hug or a consolation Today I woke up afraid, but I did not cry Nor complain shelter From the dark, I saw an infinite without present Past or future I felt a strong embrace, it was no longer fear It was his thing that stayed in me That has no end Suddenly, we see that we have lost Or are we losing something Warm and naïve That gets in the way That is dark and cold, but also beautiful Because it is illuminated By the beauty of what happened minutes ago

The rose of Hiroshima

Think of children, mute, telepathic Think of girls, blind, inexact Think of women, altered routes Think of wounds, like warm roses But, oh, don't forget the rose, the rose Of the rose of Hiroshima, the hereditary rose The radioactive rose , stupid and invalid. The rose with cirrhosis, the anti-atomic rose No color, no perfume, no rose, no anything


He loved this time as if it were the last Kissed his wife as if it were the last And each child of his as if he were the only One And crossed the street with his timid step Climbed the building as if it were machine Raised on the landing four solid walls Brick with brick in a magical design His eyes blunted with cement and tears Sat down to rest as if it were Saturday He ate beans with rice as if he were a prince He drank and sobbed as if he were a castaway Danced and laughed as if listening to music And stumbled into the sky as if he were a drunk And floated in the air as if it were a bird And ended up on the ground made a flaccid package Agonized in the middle of the public promenade Died in the opposite direction disrupting traffic He loved that time as if he were the last Kissed his wife as if he were the only One And each son as if he were the prodigal And crossed the street with his drunken step Climbed the building as if it were solid He erected on the landing four magical walls Brick with brick in a logical design His eyes dulled with cement and traffic Sat to rest as if he were a prince Ate beans with rice as if it were the maximum He drank and sobbed like a machine Danced and laughed like he was the next And stumbled into the sky like he heard music And floated in the air like it was Saturday And if he ended up on the ground made a shy package Agonized in the middle of the ride castaway Died in the opposite direction disrupting the audience He loved it this time as if it were a machine Kissed his wife as if it were logical He erected on the landing four flaccid walls Sat to rest as if it were a bird And floated in the air as if it were a prince And ended up on the floor made a drunken package Died in the

Elis Regina

It's of dream and of dust The fate of one Done I lost in thought on top of my horse It is of noose and knot Of jibeira or jiló of this life Fulfilled in the sun I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life 
My father was pawn My mother loneliness My brothers lost in life at the expense of adventures
 I got dismarried, and played, invested, gave up If there's luck, I don't know, I've never seen I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life But they told me That I would come here To ask for pilgrimage and prayer Peace in the Winds As I don't know how to pray I just wanted to show my look, my look, my gaze I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida Illuminates the dark mine and founds The train of my life I'm a pirapora hillbilly Our Lady of Aparecida.....

Elis Regina

Julio Iglesias, Diana Ross - All Of You

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