dimanche 1 janvier 2023


With beauty and in beauty she is crappy sometimes. She is. And then i say and do "crappy" things too. She´s crappy in little "lies" and in the detours she does in some issues. Her personal and private secret issues. Sometimes she hides herself in silence. Sometimes she writes in scrabble and in crosswords. Sometimes she hides things. She makes detours with things and persons that have nothing to do with it.

She never answers to my crappy things or whatever i say and do. She simple doesn´t give a shit.

Why is she doing this´


Eva, tell the truth.

With who are you talking and dancing´

Can i understands and comprehends why she´s laughing´ 

Is she under the influence of thoughts´

She´s laughing

"You can have both."
 She´s saying she can have both.


Oh shit


She knows she can. She is a pussy. Which boy wouldn´t like to have a pussy like her´ So, she can have both. When and wherever she wants. She´s a pussy.

Who, doesn´t matter, she just want to do it. What she already have done. Or not. But she´s aiming for it. She´s aiming for her adventurous challenges. Which i don´t have any clue of what it can be. A beach salt pool or a sweet pool for a swim or two with beach cam and cams watching her. A pussy picture for a voodoo doll. She goes straight to that special place and gets naked. What does she wants´ Get fucked.
 It´s a question of time. When and where.
You can have two on their script
A nuke and a pound

She can have and take it.

Who´s Vilk´
You & I´

I´m trying to understand and to comprehend what we´re both doing.

You can have two. 
It´s her and me doing things like these
. She´s accepting her. Accepting what she´s saying and doing and her behaviour as well and what she really wants.
He can be a good guy. It can work. But he´s sam´s arrangement. He´s been around under sam´s job,
His name is decoy. A con. He makes part of sam´s job. 
It all have been a shit. All around all around is sam.

I´m trying to understand myself.
I´m trying to understand Eva.
Why are we still so far from each other´ Living different and separated lives´

 The fringe is in a torturous moment and motion. It´s warm, teased and nervous and it can jump at anytime.




I l earn a lot when i touch my thing.
And one of the most profound learning i think it was here, and is still running.

It happen here. Under this roof between the lost land, the lost world and the lost soul. Between the magic land, the mighty sky temptations and sins.
It happen here. A few months ago when i was travelling, alone and empty. With needs, thirsty and hungry angry. And eating fast foods meals and greens.

A few years ago when i travelled and went to live in... got married... and divorced. After it.

It was when i fell in a little hole while i was a student. Because of some personal reasons. Youth and a time when friendships, relationships and love were flourishing in my life. Some reasons of existence and for personal affirmation to the world. Or because of the third parties where i fell in. It was when i was learning the abc at the UNIVERSITY. The highs and the lows times of life when things went wild.

Tell me, if you would like to share it with me. Where and when it happen´ I don´t wanna know. Who knows, we may meet somewhere someday and there we can talk about it and about many other things.

You are beautiful as you are.


That Sun on the wall.
The place where you were born for the first thing will do from now on.
 l know what you did

                                       He knows
                                         You know
There´s always a first time. I´m here to hit you. To hit your feelings, to disturbe you, to hit your needs and tl_reasures, to trouble you, to get you in trouble.

Getting in a low session

There are many personal differences in you between yesterday and today.

From civilization you went to live in the wild. Your life turned 180º. Not from top to bottom, ´cause the wild its also a pleasant place to live. But it changed you in many ways. Not only the wild but also other factors and personages that have change you. Some of the reason why you don´t give a shit for many things anymore. Even things about you. Personal care, behaviour and being. Because you got pounded and now you just do things without to much care. Without chosen better things and better ones. You just do things, no matter what no matter who´s coming on your way, more or less. As much as you like your present life you´ve been living, a crazy, amazing and madness life, (there would be many adjectives to describe your present life) some how you´ve been living it all alone. Within turbulences and uncertainties in your adventurous travel life. Without destination, place, home and a real and stable relationship with a human. It all have changed a lot of your way of living, your personal care, your behaviour and your personal being.
Today a very significant, a meaningful house that you love so much. Little, but warm, comfy and your travel wheels.
No warm water, make a fire. No shower, there are lakes, rivers and oceans. And sometimes the rain fall from the sky. No wash machine, there´s land, sand and dust to wash your clothes and your dishes. No fridge, you have your fruits. No stove, you eat fast food meals and greens.
There´re airnbn, cabins, motel rooms and the wild. But it´s another story.
It all changed your personal life. Your way of living, the perspetive of things, the vision and the way that you had about you, your life and about the world. 
Your personal being have changed a lot.

We never met but i sense it. I see the differences.

Please report while you´re thinking and smiling. If I´m the one of a thousand who´s disturbing you. Either in a good sense or in a bad sense, please report it. Tell me.

Women like to visualise and to touch the landscape body with a cross. "Sometimes up to that point.
" The deeply point of a strange body and mind disturbance. The sense and the act of penetration in a sensitive, particular and private oyownership. Sometimes made with a finger policy. Because they want / wanted to know how gorgeous is the landscape. By the learning it gives the horizons and the knowledge to know how gorgeous and soft or how decamped, bumpy and brazen it´s the landscape. How lightly and smoothly things can be done, fantasie. dreamed and well done´ And how far, how hard and how profound I can go in the immense and beautiful wonderland that´s lov*. 

A stranger like me. I´m no longer a stranger to you. However we need to meet to learn more about each other.

She spend her energy in dec 30, Now she´s not charged, she´s not ready for other go. However she´ll do it anyway. With an amount or not, the question stay in the pocket for another day. In two to three days. Maybe Satarday.

You left some energy somewhere and you´re aiming to get there soon. And there will be a new start / a new beginning in your life.


Place and time
There will be if you want. If would like to give it a try.
There will not be, if there´s no interest on your part. We can forget it

The decision is all yours.

It´s in your hands. 
I can only try to do something and fight to reach you. To reach your mind and heart.

Deadly comment



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