mercredi 11 janvier 2023



Holy War

Damnation, religion, salvation, fire and steel Damnation, religion, salvation, fire and steel Damnation, religion, salvation, fire and steel 
I have seen the fire of a thousand suns pass by While blasphemers spread their gospel bearing false witness now we rise All ye children of the wild Fists like hammers fill the air Vast legions all immortal Smash the stillness everywhere Holy, holy war
 Holy We are fighting, fighting a holy war (Holy war) See us fly on winds of doom (Holy war) Baptized in fire and steel (Holy war) For the end we bring is soon (Holy war) Now face the storm, a holy war Brothers of metal know no masters Metal's our religion take it to the grave Rulers of the Earth our dawn of glory All reborn, we live again Hold true, ye sacred army Our last battle is at hand Sweep these dogs from our kingdom Bless this ground, our holy land Holy, holy war Holy We are fighting, fighting our holy war (Holy war) See us fly on winds of doom (Holy war) Baptized in fire and steel (Holy war) For the end we bring is soon (Holy war) Now face the storm, a holy war Holy We are fighting, fighting a holy war (Holy war) See us fly on winds of doom (Holy war) Baptized in fire and steel (Holy war) For the end we bring is soon (Holy war) See us fly on winds of doom (Holy war) Baptized in fire and steel (Holy war) For the end we bring is soon (Holy war) See us fly on winds of doom (Holy war) Baptized in fire and steel (Holy war) 
For the end we bring is soon (Holy war) Now face the storm, a holy war


When you are old enough To read these words Their meaning will unfold These words are all that's left

 And though we've never met My only son I hope you know That I would have been there To watch you grow But my call was heard and I did go Now your mission Lies ahead of you As it did mine so long ago To help the helpless ones Who all look up to you And to defend them To the end Defender Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Father, father Father I look up to you And heed thy call This letter ends my search I'll live your dream Now passed on to me And I now wait To shake the hand of fate Like the dusk awaiting dawn So wizards cast your spell With no heart to do me well So it is written, it shall be, yeah Defender Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender God has sent Ride like the wind Fight proud, my son You're the defender

Sons of Odin

Here to the blaze I wander Through this black night I ponder The edge of our mighty swords Did clash Fallen by our axes Helmets smashed Glory and fame Blood is our name Souls full of thunder Hearts of steel Killers of men Of warriors friend Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers To the end... One day too I may fall I will enter Odin's Hall I will die sword in hand My name and my deeds will Scorch the land Glory and fame! Blood is our name. Soul full of thunder! Hearts of steel Killers of men! Of warriors friend Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers Sons of the gods Today we shall die Open Valhalla's door Let the battle begin With swords in the wind Hail Gods of War [Solo] Sons of Odin we four.! By the hammer of Thor! Ride down from the sky... Another is born Another shall fall This day men will die! Glory and fame Blood is our name Souls full of thunder Hearts of steel Killers of men Of warriors friend Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers Sons of the gods today we shall die Open Valhalla's door Let the battle begin with swords in the wind Hail Gods of War Sons of the gods today we shall die Open Valhalla's door Let the battle begin with swords in the wind Hail Gods of War Let the battle begin with swords in the wind Hail Gods Of War! ...Onward into the heart of battle Fought the sons of Odin Outnumbered many times Still They fought on Blood poured fourth from their wounds Deep into the earth Vultures waited for the broken shells That once were bodies But Odin alone would choose the day They would enter Valhalla And in their hour of need He sent forth unto them The Berserker Rage Now gods and men They rose up from the ground Screaming like wild animals Such is the gift of absolute power No blade or weapon would harm them They killed them and horses alike And all who stood before them died that day

Hymn Of The Immortal Warriors

A hero was he Touching all our lives As if he lived and died In a single moment Great were his deeds All his words were true He lived and died A man of honor He paid with his life For his life was the price To pass the gates immortal Thy journey begins With sword in the wind Stay thy hand rest thy command For odin's call was heard above them all Thy name shall never die! Long shall we remember He who walked the road of danger Master of revenge Death's no stranger Blood and death lived on his sword The god of war his only lord Into the depths of hell The one he fell 
Take thy shield take thy sword All thy weapons to the sky 
Ye shall need them when odin bid thee rise For none but the brave Shall rise up from the grave 

To see the valkyries fly 
And so it was by the hand of odin Did the immortal warrior pass through The gates of valhalla and into legend. Rise brother rise pass valhalla's gates Here great warriors await Reborn from thy steel All thy wounds be healed From the earth to the sky Now the son of odin rise! Take thy place among the kings For thy soul shall never die!

 Warriors Of The World


Sword of the Highlands

Here they lie, gone not forgotten All the clans from days long ago In this ground, they rest altogether Why they fought and died Shall all come to know Born with a right To carry the sword of our fathers Who fell with their brothers And ours there below They may raise our cities They may burn the land We may die in thousands They will understand We will not surrender Not one boy or man Come take the sword of the highlands From my cold dead hands He said Carry the fight on for me For all the sons of the highlands Fight for the right to be free Never be owned They may raise our cities They may burn the land We may die in thousands They will understand We will not surrender Not one boy or man Come take the sword of the highlands From my cold dead hands

Black Wind, Fire and Steel

Bridge of Death

Slowly crossing as the river runs below Never stopping for whats waiting soon will show And this last time looking back I'll see my home For he awaits me, reaching for my soul He calls my name, and waves me on The fallen one he stands in flame Well the life that he has given full of riches and success Has a price that I made good in blood to pay And the light he now is showing to guide my every footstep Is insurance if I falter on my way. And what God has now forsaken and man has never seen Are the riches of the underworld below All my years of earthly pleasures gave support unto the bridge I now cross it giving him my soul Dark Lord, I summon thee Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell Ride up to hells hot wind Face one more evil than thou Take my lustful soul Drink my blood as I drink yours Impale me on the horns of death Cut off my head, release all my evil Lucifer is king, praise Satan! I know the one who waits, Satan is his name Across the bridge of death, there he stands in flame I know the one who waits, Satan is his name Across the bridge of death, there he stands in flame He is my provider as I walk into the void For eternity I give to him my soul I shall do his bidding, obey him without question, Even walk among the living if I'm told Satan, don't forsake me! I wait for you take me Grant me wings and as you messenger I'll fly

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