mercredi 21 décembre 2022


 Français: FRANCE (

Français: BELGIQUE (

Français: Monaco Grand Prix (

Français: La France de retour a la France (

Shot guns and roses...

Avril Lavigne 7


make a deadly potion

Sur la route

Sur la mappemonde à vol d'oiseau On se dit qu'on peut gagner gros Qu'on a le ciel dans une goutte d'eau On cherche tous un bon destin La vie s'écoule entre nos mains La joie la peine notre chemin Traverser la vie sans billet de train Traverser la vie sans billet de train Sur la route. dala dala lalalala La solitude la mauvaiseté Ça fait rêver la liberté Jurer qu'on ne s'ennuiera pas 

On the world map as the bird flies We tell ourselves that we can win big That we have the sky in a drop of water We are all looking for a good destiny Life flows in our hands Joy sorrow our way Going through life without a train ticket Going through life without a train ticket On the road. dala dala lalalala Loneliness badness It makes you dream freedom Swear you won't be bored

Quand on aura du bien, tu vois 

Et ce bonheur qui nous traverse 

When we have good, you see

And this happiness that crosses us

Pour un simple morceau de pain 

Si tu as faim prends le mien 

For a simple piece of bread

If you're hungry take mine

Si c'est pas l'Amérique Ça y ressemble bien Des fois j'aimerais être un oiseau Pour pouvoir cracher de plus haut Voir les maisons et les campagnes Et mieux leur tourner le dos On ira vendre nos sacs de roses On prendra le train du matin Sur tous les murs y'aura écrit De la justice pas la vengeance De la justice pas la vengeance Sur la route

If it's not America It looks like it Sometimes I wish I was a bird To be able to spit from higher See houses and countryside And better turn our backs on them We will go sell our bags of roses We will take the morning train On all walls there will be written Justice not vengeance Justice not vengeance On the road

Raphaël - On the road 

On the world map as the crow flies We tell ourselves that we can win big That we have the sky in a drop of water We are all looking for a good destiny Life flows in our hands Joy sorrow our way Going through life without a train ticket Going through life without a train ticket On the road. dala dala lalalala Loneliness Bad Evil It makes you dream freedom Swear that we will not be bored When we have good, you see And this happiness that crosses us 

For a simple piece of bread If you are hungry take mine 

If it's not America It looks like it 

Sometimes I wish I was a bird 

To be able to spit from higher to Uncle Sam of America

See the houses and the countryside And better turn our backs on them 

We will go sell our bags of roses We will take the morning train On all the walls there will be written Justice not vengeance Justice not vengeance On the road

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