vendredi 23 décembre 2022

Blue Bird


This morning i went to the airport. True. To see the departures and the arrivals of the airplanes. I thought of you and that you´d be there this morning. Arriving from nowhere, from that distant place. From a place far, far away from my thoughts, dreams and desires. I thought and i wanted to see you and to be with you. I wanted to hold you and to have a little talk with you. I thought to be in one of your adventurous travels. I didn´t see you. You were there, present, but i couldn´t find and see where you were.

Many flights have been cancelled and many others delayed. Due to weather conditions. True. The delayed flights are mostly from the United states. Heavy winter storms in the U.S.. 

I did not cancel my flight. It have been in a delay mode since a long time ago. A long long time ago.

I keep looking for something and for someone that i can´t get. 

I keep looking for the place that i can´t find and reach.

Then, someone told me that you were in Poland. Visiting your family. Good.

I felt good. It was a fragrant breeze to my thoughts.

Even knowing there´s no place for me. I already realise it. I know who i am. And i also know what i can do and what i might get. The avalanche in the clouds gave me a reason to live. To be alive. Even after yesterday´s flight that was cancelled, due to the runaway that was filled by flowers, birds and silence. 

So, the excitement turned in a drunkness and i could not fly. I tried to blind and to hide my sadness.

I didn´t know where i was. What i was doing. If i was cancelling or delaying my own destiny. My path, my life, my love for that girl.

Well, she 888 me ´cause i´ve been bad for her.

All that I want is the good. Is for her to be okay.

But she needs to be slapped in her arse. A thing that´s not happening.

Tell me the truth, do you need to be slapped or not´ Do you want and desire it´ 

I think you do.

Love you







Yup I´ll do it.


Someone   Place

Babies       Life     Living     Time              

Death                 Freedom Bla Bla Bla

Find someone to love and to be loved.

Give space and place to someone.

Find the place to live.

Build a home and a family.

Give birth to two children.

Time living.


Write a book. 

You´re interesting and inteligente. A good writer. An inspiration to me.

There, the mystery, there the land. She´s the mystery, she´s the land. She´s the very real whispering and feeling that wanders in my thought and that´s bringing me there. To the mystery, to the land, to her. To nowhere. 

Write a few words. 

Whatever you think and you may feel about NG. 

Do it.

Scream my name.


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