vendredi 21 octobre 2022

Bom Dia Xaninha Linda

Bom Dia Radio Macau

Bom Dia Lisboa

 Fiel a um amor antigo Acabo sempre por voltar à casa que gostaria De poder chamar lar Entre a euforia do regresso E o cansaço da viagem Com um montão de histórias novas Encafuadas na bagagem E uma sensação esquisita Que me deixa meio à toa Ora cá estou eu de novo Então BOM DIA LISBOA Já palmilhei meio mundo Já andei por todo o lado E quando a angústia me agarra Vêm-me aos lábios o teu fado Já adormeci cansada Em tanto sitio diferente E acordo como se tivesse Sempre o Tejo à minha frente E é sempre a mesma saudação Que na minha cabeça ecoa Como um sonho persistente Então BOM DIA LISBOA Ora então olá Lisboa É sempre tão bom voltar Quem sabe haverá um dia Em que virei para ficar E acabar por aí Numa venha água furtada P'ra tornar realidade Um sonho há muito sonhado E numa ruela qualquer Entre Alfama e a Madragoa Saudar-te pela manhã

Fidèle à un vieil amour Je finis toujours par retourner à la maison J’aimerais pouvoir appeler chez moi Entre l’euphorie du retour Et la fatigue du voyage Avec beaucoup de nouvelles histoires Enchaîné dans les bagages Et un sentiment étrange Cela me laisse à moitié un émerveillement Maintenant me revoilà, Alors BONJOUR LISBONNE J’ai palmé la moitié d’un monde J’ai marché partout Et quand l’angoisse m’attrape Tu viens à mes lèvres ton fado Je me suis endormi fatigué Dans un endroit si différent Et réveillez-vous comme si j’avais toujours le Tage devant moi Et c’est toujours la même salutation Qui dans ma tête résonne Comme un rêve persistant  Alors BONJOUR LISBONNE Maintenant bonjour Lisbonne C’est toujours si bon de revenir Qui sait qu’il y aura un jour Quand je viendrai rester Et finir là Dans une eau volée Pour devenir réalité Un rêve longtemps rêvé Et dans n’importe quelle ruelle Entre Alfama et Madragoa Vous accueillir le matin

Faithful to an old love I always end up returning to the house I wish I could call home Between the euphoria of the return And the tiredness of the trip With a lot of new stories Chained in the luggage And a strange feeling That leaves me half a wonder Now here I am again SO GOOD MORNING LISBON I've palmed half a world I've walked everywhere And when anguish grabs me You come to my lips your fado I've fallen asleep tired In so much different Place And Wake up as if I always had the Tagus in front of me And it's always the same greeting That in my head echoes Like a persistent dream  So GOOD MORNING LISBON Now then hello Lisbon It's always so good to come back Who knows there will be a day When I will come to stay And end up there In a stolen water to come true a dream long dreamed And in any alley Between Alfama and Madragoa Greet you in the morning 

Bom Dia Moscovo

Доброе утро Kremlin

Доброе утро Москва

Bom Dia Russia

Доброе утро Россия

A vida num só dia

Eu podia desvendar os segredos mais secretos O som, a cor, o olhar e o número fatal Tomar de assalto os céus em cruzadas proibidas Olhar nos olhos de Deus e esperar o final Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Eu podia conhecer os segredos mais secretos Transmutar o meu ser em ouro filosofal Esconder o rosto cansado sob o meu balandrau negro Deixar o tempo parado e esperar o final Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia a vida num só dia Viver como por magia

Je pourrais percer les secrets les plus secrets Le son, la couleur, l’apparence et le nombre fatal Prenez le ciel dans des croisades interdites Regardez dans les yeux de Dieu et attendez la fin Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Je pourrais connaître les secrets les plus secrets Transmuter mon être en or philosophique Cacher mon visage fatigué sous mon balandrau noir Laisser le temps tranquille et attendre la fin Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour  Vivre comme par la vie magique en un seul jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un seul jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la vie magique en un jour Vivre comme par la magie en un jour Vivre comme par magie

I could unravel the most secret secrets The sound, color, look and fatal number Take the skies in forbidden crusades Look into god's eyes and wait for the end To live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day I could know the most secret secrets Transmute my being into philosophical gold Hide my tired face under my black balandrau Leave time still and wait for the end Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in a single day Living as by magic life in a single day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic life in one day Live as by magic

Bonjour Radio Paris Lisbonne

João Jean John

XXXaninha « « « A Mexicana  « 37

Eu podia desvendar os segredos mais secretos e viver como por magia a vida num só dia 

Dzień dobry Eva. Dzień dobry Polska

Mogłem odkryć najskrytsze sekrety i przeżyć życie w jeden dzień, jak za pomocą magii 

Moja urocza iluzja

Mogłem odkryć najskrytsze sekrety i przeżyć życie w jeden dzień, jak za pomocą magii 

Dzień dobry Eva

Dzień dobry Eva

Osiem 8 Osiem Osiem Osiem Osiem Osiem

Ocean, me and you Tonight.


Who seems to be silent Tonight are the waves voices of the Pacific Ocean.

I'm coming down, coming down like a Bentley But it's alright Like a load on your back that you can't see Ooh but it's alright Try to shake it loose, cut it free, just let it go Just get it away from me ohh-ohh-woh 'Cause tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh I'm gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh I'm going down, going down, like a Bently Ooh but it's alright Try to pick yourself up, carry that weight that you can't see Don't you know it's alright It's like a helter skelter, going down and down, 'round and 'round But just get it away from me, ohh-ohh-woh Because tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh We're gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh I got some money in my pocket About ready to burn I don't remember where I got it I gotta get it to you So please answer the phone 'Cause I keep calling But you're never home What am I gonna do Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh I'm gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh Well you keep telling me I've got everything You say I've got everything I want And you keep telling me you're gonna help me You're gonna help me But you don't But now I'm in too deep You see it's got me so that I just can't sleep Ooh get me out of here Please get me out of here Just help me I'll do anything Anything Ooh if you'll just help me get out of here I'm coming down, coming down like a monkey Ooh but it's alright It's like a load on your back that you can't see Ooh don't you know that it's alright Just try to shake it loose, cut it free, let it go But just get it away from me, ohh-ohh-woh 'Cause tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh Ooh we're gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight, ohh-ohh Please get me out of here Just someone get me out of here Just help me I'll do anything Ooh anything If you'll just help get me out of here! Tonight, ohh-ohh I'm gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight, ohh-ohh Because tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh Yes I'm gonna make it right Tonight, tonight, tonight, ohh-ohh (Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh) (Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh) (Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh) (Tonight, tonight, tonight ohh-ohh)

                                                                              Photos at NIN6

No son of mine, Mama

We can dance

Hot sun beating down Burning my feet just walking around. Hot sun making me sweat 'Gators getting close, hasn't got me yet I can't dance, I can't talk. Only thing about me is the way I walk. I can't dance, I can't sing I'm just standing here selling everything. Blue jeans sitting on the beach, Her dog's talking to me, but she's out of reach. She's got a body under that shirt, But all she wants to do is rub my face in the dirt. Cos, I can't dance, I can't talk. Only thing about me is the way I walk. I can't dance, I can't sing I'm just standing here selling. Oh and checking everything is in place, You never know who's looking on. Young punk spilling beer on my shoes, Fat guy's talking to me trying to steal my blues. Thick smoke, see her smiling through. I never thought so much could happen just shooting pool. But I can't dance, I can't talk. The only thing about me is the way that I walk. I can't dance, I can't sing I'm just standing here selling Oh and checking everything is in place You never know who's looking on A perfect body with a perfect face - uh-huh. No, I can't dance, I can't talk. The only thing about me is the way I walk. No, I can't dance, I can't sing I'm just standing here selling everything. But I can walk. No I can't dance. No no no I can't dance No I said I can't sing. But I can walk.

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