jeudi 28 juillet 2022

Please refresh all the words of your heart and of your soul.

 The beauty is there. Is on your heart and in your soul.

The beauty is here. 

When you melt in thoughts.

You need to refresh your soul.

What did you write in waters of the river´

Your thoughts´ What were your thoughts´

What did you felt´ How do you feel now´ Refreshed´

A pink tear fell into the water. Another, purple, evaporated in the air you breathe in the wild. The colors and the perfume of the nature. The colors and the perfume of your nature and adventure.

The refreshing words that were written in the waters, are now floating on the course of the river. Towards the seven seas of the world in which we live. Tomorrow morning at the sunrise reality, some of the words will be silent in Eva´s book pages. On page 66, forbidden words. On page 161, some of the words will be forgotten in the depths of an abyss.

Ring The Bells Ring the Water Bells

The rhythm of the saints

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