vendredi 9 décembre 2016

Dans la carte

Un froid glacial.
On auras l´opportunité de la récrire.
L´hiver. L´hiver verbale des mots.

Savoir, pas toujours facile, mais possible.
Réduction d´accents dans le territoire.
Mot suivant.

Les guerres mise en scène, pour cacher la lumière et le espace.

Mise en scène Wiki
 La lumière
  "The intensity, direction, and quality of lighting can influence an audience’s understanding of characters, actions, themes and mood.Light (and shade) can emphasize texture, shape, distance, mood, time of day or night, season, glamour; it affects the way colors are rendered, both in terms of hue and depth, and can focus attention on particular elements of the composition. Highlights, for example, call attention to shapes and textures, while shadows often conceal things, creating a sense of mystery or fear.For this reason, lighting must be thoroughly planned in advance to ensure its desired effect on an audience. Cinematographers are a large part of this process, as they coordinate the camera and the lighting."

Le espace
 "The organization of objects, actors and space within the frame. One of the most important concepts with the regard to the composition of a film is maintaining a balance of symmetry. This refers to having an equal distribution of light, colour, and objects and/or figures in a shot. Unbalanced composition can be used to emphasize certain elements of a film that the director wishes to be given particular attention to. This tool works because audiences are more inclined to pay attention to something off balance, as it may seem abnormal. Where the director places a character can also vary depending on the importance of the role."

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