Mermaid Christmas


My Jolly Sailor Bold

Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay Conversing with a young lass who seem'd to be in pain Saying, "William, when you go, I fear you'll ne'er return again" My heart is pierced by Cupid I disdain all glittering gold There is nothing can console me But my jolly sailor bold His hair, it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal My happiness attend him wherever he may go From Tower Hill to Blackwall, I'll wander, weep, and moan All for my jolly sailor, until he sails home My heart is pierced by Cupid I disdain all glittering gold There is nothing can console me And my jolly sailor bold My name, it is Maria, a merchant's daughter fair And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year Come, all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be Who love a jolly sailor that ploughs the raging sea While up aloft in storm, from me his absence mourn And firmly pray arrive the day he's never more to roam My heart is pierced by Cupid I disdain all glittering gold There is nothing can console me But my jolly sailor bold My heart is pierced by Cupid I disdain all glittering gold There is nothing can console me But my jolly sailor bold

Question the information?
Question who gave and gives the information?
Question who is working on it and what is their job?
Clowns Clowns Clowns
Question who are the dogs?
Question who are the television channels and the newspapers?
Question these clowns information and job?
Question who are the tv and the street artists? 

Entertainment is good, gives work to the clowns. They dirt people, use drugs and diseases to attack people and to justify their job. They divert the issues to other things and people, clean their houses and asses, and their clowns job. Clowns that have own interests and job, their ass to clean. They give informations, whatever to clean their asses, they tell stories, lies. And scientology, the assassination of the brown magic that now they turned into scientologies studies, into investigation and all the bullshit that they are and are doing. They have their interests and job, their monkeys diseases, they are sicks and are a problem to many people.

Has interests and his job to do here in Portugal
And the clowns are those who can give what sam wants from here. And that´s what they did and are doing.
Media, television, newspapers and publicity clowns, politic, politicians, government, information... dogs, economy,,, all the information and interests that sam has.

These and some other things are the reasons why sam works for the clowns and not for the blue team.